The Secrets Behind The Glasses: Chapter 1

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Waking up to Gemma 'trying' to sing Adele songs and mums hair dryer blasting on full power isn't the best thing ever on a Monday morning especially when you have to get transformed into- I mean ready for school, where nobody likes you apart from the teachers. Walking into class is the worst because everyone stops and stares as the teachers smile and wave at me, it's like I'm a completely different person. oh well that's how my life goes. If only people knew the real me ............ As I guessed it was raining, it always rains here literally but woo hoo for me that I have to walk to school, I hate my trousers and my collars chaffing, 'YAY' how much better can my day get.

As Ii walked through the corridors I realised this day could get worse as everyone just stopped , stared and laughed but there was this one boy who looked at me then walked away. I couldnt see him from all the way down the corridor but I had to find out who he was. He was the only one who didnt laugh who didnt make fun, it like its happened to him UNLESS he actually likes me? The worse part is I have no one who understands me, no one who I can trust properly, no one who can make me feel better, no one who I can call my best friend but now I feel like I have.

(A/N This book is a colabaration between me and @pinkykid1551, who also wrote this chapter!)

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