chapter 1

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"Arizona Dawson, what the hell are you doing still working?" Rose questioned "Rosanna, it's okay. Seriously, I just want some extra money; I need it" I casually replied while I took the stack of plates into the kitchen. "No Ari I know your lying to me, you've being working overtime for the past 2 months." she softly whispered "what's going on, you can trust me" she stopped me in my tracks and grabbed my hands "Rose, I'm fine. Look, I gotta get going so I'll see you tomorrow night?" I questioned before grabbing my bag and jacket "don't come to work tomorrow Arizona otherwise I will have the boss fire you!" she smirks "love you!" I hurriedly say before jogging out into the streets. As I started walking towards the edge of the woods, I felt my wolf whimper "Fawn, whats wrong" I mind linked to her out before grabbing my chest "what's happening" I managed to strain out. "Our pack, something is wrong Arizona" she cried before I started running towards the woods, letting her take over at some point. 

Fawn didn't stop until we reached the other edge of the woods "something is wrong" Fawn growled before digging her claws deep into the dirt and pushing over with all her strength, running straight towards the house. "Mum, can you hear me?" I mind linked to my mother "dad, where are you? What's going on?" I mind linked to my father, their was no answer. As my wolf let me take over again, I cautiously walked to the front door the noise became clearer to me and the sounds of growling and crying wolves made me freeze. "Where under attack Fawn" "Arizona, stay calm. I know your scared but we need to find your mum and dad". I took a deep breath  and decided that I would have a better chance of getting in and not getting caught if I went through the window. 

As I crept towards the wide open door, I heard a small sob "who's their" I  stuttered, turning around to find Savanna curled up on the floor "Arizona?" she cried "Vanna, whats happening?" I questioned while embracing her in my arms "I..I don't know...these people came and, and they started attacking us....I'm scared Arizona" she sobbed into my chest "shhhh Savanna, listen to me, okay? I need you to stay calm for me" I explained before I received a small nod from her "I know your scared, I'm scared too but we have to be strong for the pack" I croaked out "so I need you to stay here while I go find mum and dad" she began to panic "no, please Arizona. You can't leave me here, I'm scared" she shrieked out before I silenced her by putting my hand over her mouth "Savanna calm down" I growled which caught her attention "you are strong, you can do this. If I don't find mum and dad, we are putting the pack at risk. If I can get the right information from them then I can go get help and I'll take you with me. You need to hold onto hope for this pack and for me" I stated before kissing her forehead "I love you Vanna, if anyone tries to hurt you. Run" I steadily say, trying to stay calm so I don't frighten her anymore than she already is. "I love you Arizona, please come back" she replies before letting go of her grip on me and crawling under the bed "ti amerò sempre" I softly whisper before walking towards the door.

 I checked both ways before running around the corner, I was alerted about my surroundings at all times. The sounds of howling wolves made my heart ache for the family I had lost; my pack was slowly and painfully dying. As I rounded another corner, my heart skipped a beat as I was face to face with one of the red-eyed beasts "look who it is, my favorite enemy; Arizona. The best part about this reunion is that I can kill you this time. I have waited a long time for this day to come" he grinned coldly "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am too tired to play your little games Vern, I don't have time to deal with your shit you sick bastard so you better run or I will rip out your throat. But if where being honest right now,  I think I'd be doing you favor" I growled out. He snapped his canines before lunging towards me with all his strength but I dodged him before turning around and attacking him; grabbing his leg in my jaw and clenching it with all my strength. He cried out and pulled his other leg up and kicked my jaw hard which made me fall back, his claws pierced through my stomach and I howled out "this was a cute reunion Ari, so sad that it has to end so soon" he laughed cruelly "sorry to delay you but I'm not finished bitch" I commented before clawing his eyes, making him pull his claws out of my flesh which hurt like hell but I wasn't going to let him defeat me; I had waited too long to kill him. I now stood over him and cleared my throat "have fun in hell you useless bag of bones" I grinned before digging my canines into his throat and ripping his throat out. 

I had finally made my way to my fathers office, I heard a voice softly talking. I slowly opened the door to hear my fathers voice, I felt a whole lot of weight lift off my shoulders; hearing his voice relieved me. I pushed the door open wide enough to let myself in before shutting the door gently and looking over my shoulder to find my mother limp, laying in a corner and my father wounded and in pain; my wolf howled which took a lot of effort not to howl out loud. "dad" I cried before I ran towards him "mum can't be dead" I panicked "oh please no mum, please wake up" I cried out while my father  held my body tightly "shhhh, Arizona. She's gone" he whispered "what's happening, who is attacking us" I sobbed "Take a deep breath, just keep yourself calm; this isn't a time to freak out and panic" my father sternly said "this isn't a wolf pack Ari, this is a rogue pack. When we killed four of the pack members and their leader, their was hope that they would back down and stop harassing our pack. Obviously, this was their way of grieving; revenge. They are here to kill everyone they can until another pack comes to help us but it'll be too late then; if they haven't killed everyone they'll just take as many as they can. They want no witnesses, no trail, nothing. They're much stronger then they were before before; we're outnumbered" he sighed "um, okay I can help get mums body and you out of the building before searching for any survivors. We can get help and stay with another pack until this passes over before planning anything else" I hurriedly suggest "Ari, stop" "or I could call a Alpha Newtons pack and see if any of their members are near the grounds" "listen to me Arizona" "or if we really don't have time I could-" "ARIZONA DAWSON STOP!" my mouth shut and I looked into my fathers eyes "there is no time left, you have to leave. Don't stop for anyone" he strained out "dad, I can't leave you here. I can't let you die. I was too late to save mum but I can save you, please" I sobbed out "Arizona Dawson-" my dad begun "no dad, don't do this please" I argued while crying "I demand you to leave this pack house right now" he sternly said, trying to stay strong. "Dad I'm not leaving" I fought back "I am your Alpha and you will obey me" he growled "your my father and I'm not leaving you" I insisted "Arizona Amante Dawson, I dismiss you as a wolf in this pack, no longer are you apart of the Dawson pack. Leave immediately" he softly cried before kissing my forehead. I was overwhelmed from the rejection, I was all alone now. "I will always love you Arizona, this is for your own good" he croaked out before his body fell limp "dad, no please wake up. I need you" I cried against his body before curling up on the ground next to him.

 I pulled myself together and make my way towards the door, I was drowning in this grief but the only thing that was keeping me going was getting to my sister. As I slowly opened the door to check out the hallway, I heard a gut wrenching scream come from the direction of the room Savanna was in. "Savanna"  I yelled out before I started running towards the room but before I could react I was knocked over by a body "let go of me" I snapped with me teeth; a natural instinct that my wolf took over. "Hey, calm down and keep quiet" a familiar voice growled while holding my neck "Phoenix?" I croaked out "shhhh, its okay; don't say anything" he softly said while releasing her grip around my neck and pulling me into an embrace "my parents" I gently cried "I know" he whispered while holding me tightly. "Arizona!" Savanna screamed out which snapped me out of my emotional state "I need to get to her" I rammed Phoenix back so I was holding him against the wall "don't try to stop me, this is my sister and it's my duty to protect her" I sternly state "Arizona, I can't let you get hurt, I was ordered to  come and get you" he explains while ramming me against the wall "let go of me" I snapped my canines at him as my eyes turned black, trying to hold my wolf back "I will do  whatever it take to get to her, get out of my way or I will kill you" he grabs my neck again and tightens his hold on my body "Arizona I'm not going to let you get hurt. I won't let you risk your life" "she is my sister and I will risk my life over her lift any day" I argued back "Arizona, I know your scared and hurting but you need to listen to me. I will do whatever it takes to find Savanna; even if it means searching the whole world. But right now, we need to let her go; we need them to take the bait" he declared. I let myself fall into his arms while he slid down the wall; embracing me and never letting go of me. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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