Chapter 6: Amai & Ace vs The Bluejam Pirates

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Third Person 

Ace stared in shock as he saw the sanity of Amai was completely gone, she looked at the man who was holding Ace & killed him. The blood landed on her face but she didn't care, she looked at Bluejam & saw the fear in his eyes 

"Trying to make a fool out of me! I-Its never going to work!" as she turned around she heard Dadan, she threatened Bluejam & his crew, but she fled with Luffy while Amai & Ace stayed behind

"Get Luffy out of here, I promise me & Ace will leave the Gray Terminal Alive." she looked at Amai if she just thrown herself in Impel Down, but nodded

"You better! I don't want Garp killing me!" Ace nodded & faced the crew again, he looked at Amai & saw she was more then pissed. Her kagune were long & matching & they were on her ukaku, they were black & hot pink & the ends were very sharp

"Your not going anywhere near something that took almost half their lives to collect." someone came charging at her, she turned around & cut them in half. Ace has seen her kill before but, they were animals not people

"You little brat." he shot at Ace but she used her kagune to stop the bullet, it returned back to its normal length & Ace glared at Bluejam

"Ace, I'll take care of the crew, get rid of the Captain." he slowly nodded before gripping his pipe 

"Bring it brat." he aimed his gun at him but Ace was able to dodge the bullets, he hit Bluejam a couple times with his pipe & he grunted "Why you," that's when blood splattered onto his face, he notices that all of his crew were dead & Amai stood there with blood dripping down her face & kagune

"You little bitch." Ace took the chance & put his pipe around his neck, with a battle cry she ran up & shouldered Bluejam to the ground

"This is what you get for trusting a Noble King." then she punched him in the face & knocked him unconscious 

"Aren't you going to kill him?"

"No, let the mess that he started kill him." her kagune disappeared into her back & the two started running towards the others

"How are we gonna get out of here?"

"I don't know, I don't have enough room to turn into my Cerberus form & if I turn into my Griffin form my wings with catch a light... So we're fucked."

"Don't say something like that!"

"Do you have a idea?! Do you know how to get us out of here!?" he looked around & found a little exit

"Over there!"

"Holy shit you actually did have an idea." she followed him to the little escape & they crawled out, but when they were out the both of them got burnt. Amai didn't think much of it but Ace was hurt, he wasn't like 'her' "Come on Ace, we won't be able to get to the Hut in this condition, so lets go to my tree house."

"Y-Yeah." she started running but noticed that Ace wasn't following her, she turned around & saw that Ace tried to stay on his feet

"Man..." she walked back & picked him up bridal style, he started blushing

"Put me down!"

"You can't walk." he tried getting out of her grip but alas, she was to strong for him, so he huffed & let her carry him "Thank you..."

"For what?"

"For not leaving, I thought you would have left me behind."

"Why would I do that?"

"... Never mind." he raised an eyebrow, they were in front of her tree house she she threw Ace in the air then jumped, caught him & was at the top

"Give me a warning before you do that!"

"Okay." she set him down & got out a first aid kit... that she stole. Amai pulled out the bandages & started wrapping them around his wounds, when she was done he grabbed it out of her hands

"Let me do you."

"No, its already healed."

"What do you mean?" she grabbed the closes thing that was sharp & cuts her wrist, he looked at like if she was crazy, even though she is "What are you doing?!"

"Just watch." he did & saw that her wound sealed up & healed

"That doesn't just happen! is that the power of that form you were in before." she shook her head "Then what was it?" she took a deep breath

"Will you still like me?" that's what he asks people when he was going to tell his secret "So?"

"Yeah, I promise." she takes another deep breath

"I am actually... Half human Half Demon." he thought that she was joking, but she wasn't "What you saw back their was my demon form [Or Ghoul Form] I got it from my mother. Before I met the three of you I had a small family, a mum, dad, & a older sister."

"What happened to them?"

"Me & my sister Saphyre came home & saw that most of the town was a blaze, we ran inside & I saw that... that a Marine had killed my mother. He took Saphyre away & before he could take me away, my mother killed him with her kagune."

"Is that the thing in your back?" she nodded

"She told me that me & Saphyre can do that too & she gave me her Sword. After that day I hated my father, I hated Marines... I hated myself that I couldn't get Saphyre. I hated everything. & then I met you three, you changed everything, you turned my life upside down."

"Did people call you a demon?"

"When they found out what I am? yeah." inside Ace felt sorry for her, he knows how it feels being called a demon, so he got up & hugged her "What are you doing?"

"Hugging you." she hugged him back but didn't notice that Ace was blushing then entire time

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