Chapter 3

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It's a thirty minute drive to Tyler's house north of town.

Derek pulls his truck to a halt about a hundred yards from the house.

"I don't wanna get too close. I'm sure Tyler's still mad at me for the time I tore him off you. I'm still mad I even had to pull him off y--"

"It's fine," I interrupt him, "I can walk."

He nods and turns down the radio.

"Be careful, Kelly."

Five seconds of silence.

"Thanks," I kiss his cheek.

I slam the door shut since it won't close otherwise.

Tyler texts me to head around to his bedroom window. His room's on the second story and I'm not sure how I'm going to get up there. But as I get to the backside of the house, I see his window open with a ladder leaning against the side of the house. Looking up, I see Tyler staring out his window. A smile grazes his lips when he spots me.

The ladder is old and scares me, but I climb up anyway. Tyler shuts the window and I sit down on the edge of his bed. I notice a rip in his jeans on the back of his thigh where I can see a hint of his boxers. I can't help but smile at that. Through his thin shirt, I can see his muscles barely flexing.

It's an awkward moment though, glancing around his room at the once familiar walls. There's a few posters gone but not much has changed otherwise. I remember the room being darker before, but last time I was here, I was on the verge of blacking out.

I shake the thought out of my mind and get back to reality. I think I must have been in my thoughts for a while because Tyler is watching me with a concerned expression. Maybe I'm reading his face wrong, but he looks like he wants to kiss me. But I'm not ready for that.

"I saw Derek's truck outside. How is he? Still breaking into people's houses?"

I stop myself from glaring or rolling my eyes.

"He's good," I answer. "You know he had to that day."

"It wasn't his business. He should have stayed out of it."

I clench my jaw.

"You could have killed me--"

"I knew you'd say that!"

"Do you want me to pretend it didn't happen?" I mock.

"That's what I do."

"I can't do that, Tyler."

"Why not?"

"Because it did happen--"

"I wasn't myself. You know my episodes. I blacked out--"

"It was still you though."

"Still, Derek shouldn't have gotten involved," he growls.

"He saved me. You nearly killed me. At least he doesn't know the real reason you blew up--"

"I know. Don't remind me."

Silence falls between us as a flashback hits me.


I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

His weight holds me down against the floor as his hands tighten around my neck.

"Tyler," my voice barely rasps out. "No--"

My eyes are rolling into the back of my head as the shadowy figure of Derek bursts into the room. My hearing is minimal now from the blood loss to my head and I can't hear the words being screamed as Derek throws Tyler into the wall. I think he hit his head, I can't see him very well. I only know Derek is by my side when I feel his body heat.

I meant to say I love you, but couldn't get it out before I blacked out.

I woke up in Derek's arms the next day.

Derek never told anyone what happened, I made him promise me he wouldn't.

His four year old sister woke me up that next morning. She crawled up on his bed and hugged around my waist, resting the side of her face in my chest.

Derek kissed the top of my head and told me I was safe.


I know being here is a bad idea. I stand up from Tyler's bed, still shaking.

"I have to go. I-I-I have to get out of here."

I feel the walls closing in on me and my breath quickens.

   Tyler grabs my wrist and pulls me to face him. Holding me against his body, he begins kissing my neck.

"No--" I try to push him away, his grip tightens.

I kick my knee up between his legs and as he crumbles down, I rush to get out the window and down the ladder.

"Kelly!" He yells out the window, but I'm already gone.

Thank You, TylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant