A mark that changed me

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Its, ehm, escalating quickly, but anyways, I had loved the Idea of this, along with Squeaker01 , which had inspired me to write this! Though, Sky is somewhere around 12 in this, for uh werewolf reasons

Sky's P.O.V

I wrenched away, pain exploding through my arm as the wolf tore into my flesh, blood bubbling out from the deep bite that the canine made, at first, it felt numb, until I realized how sharp it was. I tried to kick it, only for the wolf to sink its teeth deeper into my arm. I let out a yelp, Tears forming in the side of my eyes as blood started to trickle down the wolf's snout.

It hurts so much to the point where a head ache had spawned. It shook its head, making the the thumps and pain worse. From all the shaking and wriggling, it was moving its bloody snout so it stained my sleeves that was slightly torn off. I grit my teeth, bashing it's snout as it growled, slightly loosening its grip on my arm. I stared into it's glowing lava eyes, the wolf returning a glare back at me, though, what was weird is that it was slightly larger than average. It was also tinted darker than the normal grey coat of fur, it could easily throw me across a room.

I was lost for a moment until I felt its hot breath spike up my arm, causing me to jolt as blackness covered the corners of my vision. I felt myself weaken, my knees started to tremble as the wolf had the look of hunger in it's eyes, my stomach churning from the horror.

"Gah! Fuck off!" I shouted desperately with a crack in the sentence as the wolf snarled, clawing at my legs as it tried to pull me down. I tried to calm myself down but it was no use. I stared at its snarling face that was illuminated by the moonlight, its reddish eyes now bloodthirsty.

It's gonna tear me apart...

But it's loosening it's grip..

Yet I feel myself fall weak..




Adam, think, kick it! Punch it! Do anything to stop it from killing you!

This is bad, very bad, bad as the fucking Neither!

I, Adam Dahlberg, have never regretted my thoughts so much before,

Hmm, let me explain..

From the start, I had lost my family due to a car accident, leaving me and my sister to fend for ourselves. Now, doesn't mean we were responsible for the death, but most likely forced into an orphanage, where we get to spend our lives with other kids who somehow don't have parents.

Almost all of my life was spent, protecting my younger sister, who, in fact, was free from the orphanage long ago- anyways, I spent half of my life protecting her, cleaning, learning, and escaping. As I said, escaping was one of my goals, other than swearing to fight off anybody who harms my family. Since all of my companions were gone, it had made my goals seem pointless, yet easier.

Why? Because the Orphanage isn't what you'd exactly call a good ol' place to keep children, it was called a not- so-innocent day care. Well, even worse. We had to clean the place, every inch of it, forced by a mean old lady who always bashed us with a stick if we had been disobedient. It terrified me to the point that I couldn't even do anything a normal kid would do, and, what's worse was that the she was our cafeteria lady. but, there was this nice lady who would often treat us if we had some sort of accident, she'd comfort us, calm us with her gentle and quiet voice, we used to believe she was an angel.

Untrusted Wolf (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now