Chapter 1~Annie's P.O.V

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Annie's P.O.V

I sighed heavily as I walked out of my house and towards my car. Today was my first day at my new job, it was just working at a coffee shop. I hopped into my car, started it and pulled out of my drive-way.



"Hey, gurl! It's Ymir."

"What's up?"

"Nothing, me and Krista are having a party on Friday night, so tomorrow night. We were wondering if you would come?"

"Sure. Sounds fun."

"Great! Do you have your essay for History done?"

"What?! We had an essay!"

"Yeah...well, I gotta go. Bye!!"

Ymir hung up. I sighed, now panicking because I forgot about the essay that we were given. I continued my drive to my new job and it only took fifteen minutes to get there. Once I opened the door I was greeted by the sweet aroma of coffee and pastry's.

"Hey! Annie, welcome back. I hope you have a great first day." The manager, Hanji smiles.

"So do I." I smile back as I put on my name tag.

"Okay, today you and Mina will be working together. If you have any questions, ask her." Hanji says before waving and leaving.

"Hey, Annie. I'm Mina, nice to meet you. We'll be opening in five minutes, so I suggest if you have to go to the bathroom. Go now." Mina introduces.

Six Hours Later

"Bye! Annie! You were great today!" Mina smiled as I walked out of the door.

"Bye." I wave before walking towards my car.

Once I got back home I collapsed onto my couch and sighed. 'Back to high school on Monday', I thought. I laughed at the thought, like I was even going to go. I skipped on a regular basis, I do it so much now the teachers don't even care.

It's a rare occurrence for me to go to school, sometimes the teachers don't even teach that day and throw a party. For no fucking reason. But I've decided that after this break I would go to school more, so I could continue my education and what-not.


"Come in!" I say, too lazy to get off of the couch.

"Annie?" Someone asks.

"Living room!" I yell back, I instantly heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

I turn around and realize that it's Ymir, my best friend.

"Sup." I say, she sits on the couch and lays down.
"Sup. I'm crashing here tonight." Ymir informs.
"Kicked out again?" I sigh, and laugh a little bit.
"You know it!" Ymir grinned.
"What did you do?" I groan.
"I stole some booze from my mom's alchol cabinet." Ymir says with a grin still present on her features.
"How long are you kicked out for?" I ask.
This type if thing happened with Ymir atleast once or twice a month. And sense I live by myself I let her crash here whenever she gets kicked out of her place.
"A week. So, next friday." Ymir says.
"You know where your room is and you have some clothes here from the last time. I'm going to go to bed, goodnight." I say before getting off of the couch and heading towards my room.
"Goodnight. Love you!" Ymir laughs.
I walk into my room and collapse into bed.

The Next Day

"Annie! You did great yesterday! Let's have another great day today!" Mina says excitedly.
"I hope we do." I answer back before I roll my eyes, knowing that Mina being happy 247 will get old very quickly.
I hear the bell on the door chime, signaling that we have a customer. I look up to see who it is and I instantly recognize who just walked in. It was Armin. The smartest guy in my entire school, he's smarter than most of the teachers, and he doesn't waste any opportunity to show them that.
"Welcome to the Titan Cafe, how can I help you?" I ask as he reaches the counter.
"Can I have a coffee please." Armin requests.
"What type of coffee?" I ask, not wanting to give him the wrong thing.
"Any kind." Armin answers sweetly, making my heart melt, just a tiny little bit. "Your Annie right? You go to the local high school."
"Yup, that's me. Why do you ask?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Because I was looking for you." Armin answers seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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