The choice

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As the wind blows through my hair i stare at the sea while im thinking of jumping of the bridge right into it. The thought of leaving all the pain and sadness behind feels great but there's a other feeling to, a sad feeling because im about to leave all my friends and family behind. I wished they could come with me but i know that it's not fair to ask such a big favour like that after all the things they did for me. At a certain point in life you have to go your own way and find your own path to finally discover who you really are. My friends and familly have been really great for or at least they tried but like any other thing there's a good and bad side and so is there in life. So while im standing here on the bridge I'm replaying my life in my head the good but also the bad memories. The rush of mixed emotions are going trough my head and i can feel some teardrops escaping from my eyes, and while the tears keep streaming down my face im walking closer to the edge. To keep myself from losing more tears i close my eyes but I still keep walking closer and closer to the edge untill i hit something cold and made of metal. I open my eyes and see that it is the railing of the bridge and while im still replaying my life i wipe my last tears away and know this is the moment i need to decide what im gonna do. All the things that happend the bad things I remember its been leading up to this moment the moment im gonna escape from all the negative things that never stopped haunting me. So this is it I say to myself as i climb on the railing and how hard I try to fight the urge to let the positive thoughts to fight the negative I know im not strong enough. So when i finally close my eyes and count to ten I try to remember my friends and family before I leave them all. You know what they say? They say that before you die your whole life flash before your eyes. But i see nothing so im just sniffing the sea smell and listen to the birds before i let myself fall and let gravity take me down. The moment i hit the water i can feel myself going under and falling more into the darkness as i slowly going down. Its not as fast when i jumped of the bridge but its calmer and peaceful. Maybe its selfish to leave my friends and family behind but wouldn't it be more selfish to leave them with me when i know I'm not good enough? In my eyes this was no this is the best thing to do. But how is it possible that im still breathing i asked myself, I expected to already drowned by now. But im still breathing how can that be? I feel a mysterious pressence and when i open my eyes i see a flash of light that shines bright and slowly fades away. When the light is almost away i see this hand reaching me whith this bright aura around it. I struggle between the choice to take and see what it will bring me or leave it and see what becomes. Finally after i make up my mind i decide to take it and i can feel the hand pulling me up already. Faster and faster i fly up and i can see the light shine brighter and brighter as i leave the darkness under me. At last i reach the surface and when my head comes above i feel reborn again. Maybe this was my path maybe this was the journey that i had to make to finally discover who i really am. A old memory of a tv show reminded me that when people hit their lowest point their open for the greatest change and i realize that i had to do this so that i could make the right choice. And as i swim to the shore i know that im given a second chance and im not gonna take it for grant it. Because i finally realized that i have so much to live for and im going to live it im going to live my life untill the end....

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