The apology!

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Hermione was pleased. But what happened next shocked her. "Hermione I'm sorry for being a jerk to you for all these years. I hope you can forgive me?"said Draco. Hermione was shocked. Draco Malfoy. The Draco Malfoy just apologized to her. The girl he called 'Mudblood' for 7 years. She didn't know what to say. So instead of saying anything she nodded and sat there. When Draco was satisfied with his answer he left. So Hermione was all alone and she thought about what just happened. Then she too left. She was walking when she heard Draco talking to himself. As if he was thinking of what to put in a letter. She heard him say that 'he never was going to forgive a Mudblood. And how he only apologized because he loved his mum and this would make her happy.' She was both sad and scared at the same time. So she ran to Narcissa's room to tell her. Since Hermione was all alone now. Narcissa had become the mother that she needed. So she told her everything. And when she was done Narcissa wheat to talk to Draco.

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a lot of school and homework. Testing is next week so all the homework is like double. It's really hard. I'm sorry I'll try to update more. I'm not really on a schedule. But I will update soon. Bye.

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