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Ant POV:

My feet scuff on the wet pavement as the rain patters lightly on the concrete. The floor is littered with golden and brown leaves, and the rain forms puddles around them, making it seem like either a horror movie scene, or a sad corny chick flick. I wouldn't mind being taken hostage, or being murdered, it would be something to take my mind off what has happened. My black shoes are shiny, squeaking slightly with every step I take.

I walk back to where Cave was, the smile on my face soon dropping when I see the scene in front of me. He was kissing some girl. She had a blue shirt which showed off her curves quite well, black jeans, with rips in them and red sneakers which looked as if they had only been recently brought.

My eyes start to sting and I feel tears start to form. My mouth moves before I can stop.

"You Bastard"

He sees me and pushes the girl away from him. The girl looks up at him with a confused look on her face. She looks about 16, maybe 17, and yet she looks as if she would still be taller than me.


I start running before he can finish, and I hear him try and go after me. After a few minutes, I can Ni longer hear him running, either because he stopped, or I got away.

I shake my head to get rid of the thought, my mum warned me of these people when I was a kid. Although, I think she thought I would be dating girls. The thought of Cave, and the girl and what he did is still banging in my mind, and before I know it, I'm crying. My jacket is soaked and its freezing, and all I want is for all of this to be one fucked up dream.

The streetlights illuminate the streets and the odd car comes past, with white lights shining down the roads. The rain gets harder, and I find myself not caring anymore. After a few more blocks, I get back to my house.

I open the door, and as soon as I'm inside, I take my freezing jacket off, just to find it isn't mine. Its Cave's. I start to sob and slide down the door hugging the jacket to my chest.


did i do good

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