Year One

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She started off down the worn down sidewalk,swinging her bag back and forth as she did so.It was cold,so her pace intensified as she trotted onward.She carried on,the sun still covered by a thin sheet of black,patterned with glittering spots.She swung the door open and walked inside, the hinges creaking as she did so.And so she was here.Here, to the beaten down lockers,the teachers who were relentless with their homework,and the snobby girls who powdered their faces every morning with pounds and pounds of makeup.It was nerve wracking,being on such a place.High school was told to be a struggle,but with more freedom. She walked down the fluorescent-lit hallway and turned right,to the commons.She sat down at a vacant lunch table, analyzing the contents of her book bag,making sure everything she needed was packed in there. "Pencils,paper,5 binders,advanced placement human geography textbook..."she began to zip up her book bag when a familiar voice greeted her.
"Hey Eva.You good?" Jarrett Zukerburg prodded with a sarcastic smile. Eva smiled, but she looked at him with shock.Over the summer,he has admitted to her that he had a massive crush on her,and even wrote her a long paragraph asking her out.Eva hadn't answered,and he made up some excuse that it was one of his friends.But she knew it was him. "Yeah,I'm kinda nervous though.Whats your first?".
"I've got language arts.What do you have?"He said.
"I've got advanced human geography,not exactly sure how I feel about that,but the teacher is supposed to be good.".
"HEY!Let me walk you to your class.".Jarrett exclaimed.Eva had no other choice,so she let him walk her all the way to the third floor.
The rest of that day went decent.She got homework,made up with her friends,and finally she got to 6th period lunch.
"Eva! Hey lets go sit over here!".Her best friend Ryan exclaimed.She led Eva to a gray table,still dirty from the previous 2 lunches.
"Yuck.I guess this is what we get for having this lunch."Eva grabbed a napkin and washed down the table.
The beginning of the lunch was fine,her 5 other friends joining her,and it was a great reunion.Eva turned around for a moment,laughing her eyes out,and then she saw him.Close cropped brown hair,so dark it was almost black, dark eyes and eyelashes.It was very evident that he either worked out, or played a sport,because two of her own arms placed together would equate to the size of one of his.He looked like trouble,the calm before a storm,the quietness before the first puff of a cigarette. He walked on past her,not batting an eye,and turned and sat down at the table behind them.It seemed as though time has stopped.She was awestruck. Last year,there had been a boy.He had mistreated her,called he names,and ultimately left her.She hadn't felt the same way about a boy after that.But this boy,he had moved her.It would be an interesting year,if anything. "Hopefully I can meet him..." She said to herself,still entranced.

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