Round 5: Stormy Get-Together

96 4 12

Why, hello. President Perry here. I hope you all have enjoyed your stay. You all have put up a magnificent show.

Now, lets cut to the chase. I hope you tributes haven't gotten to comfy. I think it's time for a little get-together. Soon the fire walls may... Well, inch closer and closer. This will make everyone chose: Be burnt by the wall or just get cozy with everybody else. Choose wisely.

I hope you didn't think that was it. Here soon, I think you may notice something else. I will leave you with this question: What happens to a Phoenix when it dies?

Shall I say good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


- An ash storm is coming ( :0 ). Your tribute can't breath to much ash or they will die. Come up with a solution.

- The walls are coming closer. You may NOT get past them.

-By the end, you should be somewhere close to the corniacopia. You don't have to be there, you just can't be like ridiculously far.

- 2 or 3 tributes shall die in your entry, as well as 2 will be eliminated. You must at least see them die.

-Winds will be high too, since there is a storm. Be careful. Fire and wind =deadly combo.

Entries are due MONDAY AUGUST 26th at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries not submitted/ submitted after then will not count and have a three point deduction from their final scores.

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