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   - Reily's

" um ouch " I said as the nurse iced my newly found bump on my head and looked around for anymore cuts that I had graciously received by Amber  Clark

The reason still goes by unknown why she hates me so much , she has always had it out for me but I never knew why . To make it worst she started tormenting me at my 10th birthday party when she viciously stuffed cake down my shirt

" You will be fine , I'll give you a pass to class kid " the nurse says rolling back over to her desk .

She opened the drawer , took out a blue pen and inked her name on

" Here you go " the nurse said handing me a pass walking me to the door

I walked out the office and down the stairs and passed the first class near the stairwell to an amazing smell . it was like Vanilla mixed with donuts and Nutella

' He's near by ' my wolf squeaked out overly dramatic

I decided to walk around and follow the smell, I took out my phone and started scrolling through my apps

I heard as if someone stomped a foot . The type of stomp you do to get someone's attention .

I find a kid staring at me from his desk inside of a class , the lights were off so it was hard to make out who the person with the bright blue eyes were

"I'm going to the bathroom " he says grabbing the pass and making his way towards me

And then I realize . It's the alpha Ethan

Before he came out the doorway I ran like hell to my locker on the other side

   - Ethan's

Here I am in 3rd period watching a movie as it is the end of the school year . Bored out of my mind as usual .

I decided to look out the door , as I do so a girl with very curly hair, semi thick walks by very slowly, eyes glued to her phone . Just good looking

I stomp my foot to grab her attention . Her neck snaps to my direction . Instantly my heart drops and the sight

That's my mate .

"I'm going to the bathroom" I say grabbing the pass and walking out the door to the place she was standing to find it empty . And her fleeing down the hallway

I head down the same direction jogging after her . I turn the corner she does and find her at her locker getting her bag and other things

"Hello" I say leaving against her locker

"Alpha" she says looking at my feet as a sign of respect

"Pull your head up little mate , you have the same amount of respect as I do" I say putting my finger under her chin and pulling it up as one of those corny movies

She looks me in my eyes with light brown . Which is odd because the pack has exotic eyes .

I pull her into me and hold her as she seems to be around 5'2 and I'm around 6'2  . Yeah she's really short .

She puts her arms around my back and hold onto me . As if it's been awhile as she's had a hug .

I look down at her but only see  brown/blonde curls all over the place, her head pressed against me enjoying the hug

"where do you students belong?" I recognize that voice anywhere . My mother .

"Come with me" I whisper to the tiny body in my hold . I pick up her bag and close her locker as she watches me

I put my arm around her back walking towards my mother also known as our principal

My mother looks at my with confusion written all over her face

"Mother" I say pecking her cheek, no matter where we are she will always be my mother and get the same greeting I've given her since I was young

"This is my mate" I say pushing the tiny one forward some

Instantly my mothers face lights up, eyes watery and her hands holding together and then she comes and hugs me and onto the little mate

"I'm so happy for you E, and you" she says her eyes would make hearts if possible

"You are absolutely gorgeous" she says touching her curls and then her cheek

"Thankyou miss" she whispers blushing

"Well I'm headed back to the office, head back to class you two" my mother says giving us one final look before disappearing into a near by staircase

"Yeah we aren't going to class" I say throwing the little body over my shoulder and head towards the front door

"Where are we going" she says laughing hysterically

"Ethan what are you doing" I hear a scream, I instantly turn around to see Amber

outstanding .

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