4. Well Guess Who The Vampire Is Kids

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"Yeah, like that. Now...strike!" Andy said. Frank swung his fist at the taller man, almost nailing him in the stomach when Andy grabbed his fist and flipped him over for the second time that day.

"Ow..." Frank mumbled, rubbing his wrist and glaring up at Andy from the ground.

"Gotta be faster, Frank. You're holding back from using your full force. It's fine, you're not gonna hurt me. Just go for it, I'll be fine." Andy pulled Frank up and nearly dislocated his arm in the process. Frank stumbled backwards but got back into fighting position.

"Let loose, Frank. I'll be fine." Andy said, and Frank swung his fist as hard as he could. He managed to nail Andy in the cheek, which got a wince from the older man, but he didn't move his position.

Frank heard somebody walk into the 'training room' he and Andy were fighting in, but didn't pay much attention and just focused on dodging Andy's blows and getting in another hit.

Frank ducked as Andy swung at him, allowing Frank to nail him in the stomach; hard. Andy doubled over and coughed, giving Frank a thumbs up as he tried not to cough his lungs out.

"Nice...job. Shit...Frank, I think you broke my lungs..." Andy gave a weak laugh at that, while Frank was staring at Andy with wide eyes.

"Are you okay?" Frank asked, walking over to Andy to help him settle down into the chair that was served as the only furniture in the room.

"Peachy. How about we take a break? Go see what Brendon and Patrick or whoever else is with them are doing. I'll catch up." Andy waved his hand at Frank in a shooing motion, Frank walking out of the room and down the stairs to the living room, where Brendon, Patrick, and Joe were talking and eating breakfast, even though it was one in the afternoon.

"Where's Pete? I thought he was here?" Frank asked as he grabbed a plate and piled some eggs and pancakes onto it. He sat beside Brendon and started shoveling the eggs into his mouth. Training made him hungry.

"I saw him walk upstairs, I guess you didn't see him standing right next to the door." A voice from the bottom of the stairs said, Frank seeing Pete standing there leaning against the railing looking at Frank with a smirk on his face.

"I was a little distracted..." Frank said, shoveling some more eggs into his mouth. Pete rolled his eyes and walked over, grabbing some bacon from the table all the food was scattered on.

"Wow, whould've guessed." He said before taking a bite out of the bacon.

"Leave me alone, aight? Gimme a break..." Frank could feel the edge in his voice, too defensive and angry. He saw Brendon raise his eyebrows at him, but the younger boy didn't say anything and just kept eating.

"Whatever man." Pete said. Frank stared down at his plate and sat in silence with the rest of the group as they ate, Andy breaking the silence when he came down from the 'training room'.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Andy greeted the group, which barely got a reaction from anyone.

"Well you all seem annoyed as hell. What happened? Who killed the party?" Frank could feel eyes on him and he looked up at Andy sheepishly.

"Think it might've been me..." Frank said. Andy shook his head and rolled his eyes, getting some food and sitting down.

Frank got up after a few minutes and said he was going to the bathroom, walking down the hallway off the kitchen into a bathroom that was surprisingly small for such a large house. Frank closed the door and looked at himself in the mirror; he was sweaty and flushed, his eyes glossed over. He had slight half moons under his eyes, probably from the minimal sleep he had been getting for the past few days, and his hair was matted in the front of his little mohawk thing he had going on. Frank was surprised at how different he looked from just a few days in Rosewood, he seemed paler and even a little older than he had when he had first arrived, which Frank had to believe was from the entire ordeal of being attacked by a vampire, meeting vampire hunters and discovering that his parents were vampire hunters, and being stalked by the same vampire all within the course of three days. Probably wasn't good for a kid who was only sixteen.

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