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In this you guys can dare me Yuky and or the S or M family Right Guys?

Ayato:Only if I get to Get Takoyaki later.
Shu:If I can hear my music I'll be fine.
Me:Don't say a word you just give me the Chills.
Me:AH! Not a word *gets the Chills* OK not a letter I meant.
Reji:If I can keep drinking my tea.
Me:whatever' Ass hole'
Reji:what was that? X(
Me:oh nothing. *dose fake smile*
Reji:mmmmmhmmmm -_-
Kou:I'll do it if your in this M Neko-Chan.^^
Me: well of course I will :)
Yuma:I'll do it if later I can go to my Garden.
Ruki:ill do it if I can keep Reading.
Me:ok'Book worm'
Me:oh nothing

Well you know ask or dare us see you guys in a while!!

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