✿ O n e ✿

101 13 19

Song for this chapter: Sparks by Coldplay (trust me it will sound relaxing if you read this while laying down on your bed with the lights off all alone)

Lorena's pov.

It was midnight with the moon shining down, me putting my black hood over my head walking on the crooked side walks, where it had beer bottles everywhere, cigarettes, plastic bags, and some skittle candy wrappers sitting there with the wind blowing it around.

I plopped onto the bus bench, taking out a cigarette and a lighter from my dark blue colored bag, and beginning to lit up the cigarette so I can smoke it.

I sucked in the velvet smoke anxiously and released a cloud of tension, coughing a little after.

I blew a several times, threw the cigarette onto the dirty black cement, and strolled away.

"Do you have any more of those?" A deep voice came from behind me, making me glance back.

"Huh?" I questioned, lowering my voice as I saw his shadow standing next to the bench I was just sitting on.

"I uh," he coughed, "ran out." He whispered, making me furrow my eyebrows shoving into my bag, grabbing the one last cigarette I had left.

"Here." I motioned, as he walked closer to me so I can have a better view of him.

He slowly looked down at my palm giving a slight nodd, swapping it out of my hand.

"Do you have a lighter?" I assured.

"Yeah, thanks." He said, cramming his hands into his pockets, guessing he was pulling one out.

He had some black jeans on looking very tight on him, along with some dusty black and white converse.

His voice was an accent, seeming like an Australian accent. His black hair sticking up from the wind, making a little blonde streak pop out from it.

He looked a little asian, and half Mexican I thought, but I was obviously wrong since his voice sounded Australian.

I watched him stand there, blowing out a puffy white cloud out of his mouth, letting it fade into the air.

He glanced upon me, raising his thick black colored eyebrow.

"Didn't your mom teach you not to smoke when your 14?" He declared, eyeing me from head to bottom.

I opened my eyes in surprisement, barely knew him and he's already judging me. I'm not even fourteen!

"Didn't your dad teach you to mind your own business?" I taunted, making him release a mindless chuckle.

"He did, but isn't it illegal to smoke when your you-

"I'm 17." I spat out, cutting his sentence off, giving him an angry glare.

"Oh really?" He said with his eyes widened in shock.

"Yes im pretty sure I know my own age." I assured him, he crossed his arms around his flat chest.

"My bad, you just looked very-

"Save it." I said, looking away with annoyance.

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