Chapter 6

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It's been 4 months since me and Caspar became a couple. It's 15th December - just 10 days until Christmas - and Zoe and I are out present shopping at Westfield Shopping Center. We're both dressed appropriately for the festive season, with Christmas jumpers, glittery hair bows and bright red lipstick. We have already got presents for Joe (a few cute jumpers and some really nice cologne) and we head to Victoria's Secret. I send a cheeky text to Caspar.

To Caspar💕:

"Going into VS to get a nice present for me to wear for you tonight 😉"

Caspar and I had decided to take things slowly, despite us becoming a couple not even 24 hours after meeting! So tonight, me and him were finally going to do the eagerly awaited 'deed'. I had obviously told Zoe about this and she was too excited to help me look my best for the big night. I had helped Zoe with the exact same thing last year when she started dating Alfie, so it was like she was returning the favour.

Suddenly, I hear my phone buzz.

From Caspar💕:

"Get something super sexy 😉 have a great time getting all my presents and spoiling me obviously! I love you, super excited for later ❤"

I quickly reply before Zoe rushes over with the most revealing and bejewelled underwear she could find.

"Look, Blue! Caspar's favourite colour!" She giggles. I laugh with her. She knows I would never choose something like that.

I find a cute, baby pink bra and panties and purchase them, they are perfect - not too slutty, not too frumpy - and we start walking to Topshop, where I had a staff discount obviously, so there would be a lot of spending! I find a couple of nice t-shirts for Caspar in Topman and some nice dresses for myself. I had already got him a pair of plane tickets to South Africa so we could visit our families after Christmas as well.

As we walk out of Topshop, I hear some teenage girls screaming Zoe's name and they run up to us and have pictures taken.

"Hey, aren't you Elle? That girl in Zoe's best friend tag video?!" Says one of the girls with short brown hair.

"Yes I am." I giggle with nervousness. How would anyone remember me?! They ask for photos with me after the girl recognises me and they run off laughing in excitement.

"That was crazy, I got recognised?!" I say in shock.

"Well, you'll be recognised a lot more when you and Caspar tell the Internet about you two!" She jokes.

We get some more presents for our boyfriends, including cologne and some underwear, because neither of the boys can be bothered to do laundry unless Zoe and I are staying over! Typical boys.

The boys have also decided to have a Christmas party tomorrow since some of their YouTuber friends were over from all over the globe. Zoe and I were going to make sure we looked smoking hot for the party, so we walked into Lipsy London to grab some party dresses and some heels. Zoe gets a cute monochrome cocktail dress and I get a tight LBD with small sparkles on it so that we match. We grab a late lunch at Starbucks and head back to the boys apartment.

It's already getting dark and its not even 4pm yet. We arrive back at the apartment to see the boys still sitting where they were when we left 5 hours ago - sitting on the floor playing XBox in their boxers. Again, typical boys.

"Guys we're back!?" I shout, trying to get them to snap out of their video game trance.

"Hey." They both mumble in unison. Me and Zoe giggle knowing the only thing that will get their attention: food.

"We brought you guys McDonald's!" Zoe shouts.

Both boys look over and rush up to us to retrieve the bag of food for them and sit back down and continue playing whilst stuffing their faces.

Zoe and I nip into Alfie's room to wrap presents and try on the clothes we bought again. We walk back into the living room to place the presents under the tree and have to avoid walking in front of the TV so we don't 'distract' the boys. The tree is covered in fairy lights and glittery decorations thanks to mine and Alfie's excellent decorating skills. This puts both me and Zoe in an extremely festive mood and decide to film the Christmas Tag in Alfie's bedroom. Half an hour later, we walk out to see that the boys have actually taken a break from gaming and are acting secretive.

"What are you two doing?" We ask, trying to peak over their shoulders too see what the fuss was about.

"GO AWAY IT'S A SECRET." Caspar shouts excitedly at me. I plant a kiss on his cheek before walking back into the kitchen so I won't be accused of snooping.

"It's your Christmas present then obviously!" Zoe whispers.

Too Young // Caspar LeeWhere stories live. Discover now