Advice from the past

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Dear future children,

Hello...if you even exist. It is current 2016 and I am a teenager. You know, I went in writing things down, because I wanted to try to make a time capsule of sorts for you guys, but even now, I'm not sure what I should tell you. I am a Teenager...but I feel like I should give you advice to help you through with yours since...It is super awkward for me at the moment.

First things first; Don't be afraid to be yourself around me. One of things I'm struggling with right now is my overall relationship with my mother...and your grandmother, but I digress. I'm afraid of speaking my mind around her right now since I've been so closed off for so long. I never want that to happen to you because when I look into her eyes, I know she wants to reconnect too.

My next piece of advice is to listen to me with an open mind. Currently, my mom yells at me constantly. She wants me to do this and that. She complains that I'll never grow up. Truthfully...I am grateful for that. There is always a meaning behind each and every action a parent does. I know for a fact that she does everything for my sake and will continue doing it for my sake since she loves me more than I can ever perceive. I am eternally grateful to her for that.

That doesn't mean being yelled at won't hurt you. For me, it hurts more than anything. Knowing that, something I did made my parents so upset. However, you need to remember how the other side feels too. My grandma and your Great Grandma is at our house right now and I can see in my mother's eyes that she cares so deeply on how her mother sees the children she has raised.

Another Thing that goes along with a story I remember. In fact it was about a week ago, my older sister, she got really mad at our mother for many reasons that were solely the mother's fault, but some of the blame did go on my sister. No one is perfect. We are all human after all.

Everyone was once a teenager. In fact, at this current moment, I am one now. It's important to remember it's okay to have these teenage emotions. Personally, I keep forgetting I'm allowed to feel those emotions. It's alright to yell and scream if you want to. Being a teenager is tough. Your feeling all these negative emotions that make you want to blame someone for it. I'm in the minority however.

I don't want any child of mine ever have to hide their feeling from me, but personally, I try to ignore those teenage emotions. "You are the worst! You're doing this for yourself! You never think about how I feel!" I want you to know, your mother always is and always will be thinking about you. Every second and minute of your life, your mother cares about your well being. Don't make the same mistake I did for the first few years of my life and push such a wonderful being away.

Lots of love,
Your future mother

P.S Teenage years are hard, but enjoy them to the fullest!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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