He Came Along Right When She Needed Him .8.

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PART 8!!! Alright guys,heres the deal,this entire chapter is from Evelyns pov. Hope you like it!

Oh and theres a big twist + some new characters coming up in the next few chapters! So be prepared! Muahaha xD lmao sorry just had to do that! Lolx

anyways enjoy!!


"even before you woke up i knew you were special eve. I know theres alot of things which have happened in your life before you met me and alot of them are not so good,i understand eve,i do" continued michael

his grip on my shoulders had loosened and we were now looking into each others eyes,his eyes had only one thing in them but no,it couldnt be.i must be mistaken.

"its been just a day or so,since i met you, i know that not exactly a strong bond of trust has been developed between us but i'd want that more then any thing between us right now. I want you to trust me eve,i want you to share your problems with me,so that i can help you through it."

i was shocked and i guess it was pretty obvious because then michael said.

"i like you eve,i like you alot. But i also need to understand whats going on in your life and most of all what youre going through!you cant keep brushing it off,you need to let me help you " he wiped off a tear that had escaped my eyes

"you need to let me help you" he repeated.

'you need to let me help you' the words echoed in my head. where had i heard them before! "you need to let me help you!you need to let me help you"

Michael had just said the exact same words River had said the last time i saw him. Wait who was River? And when did he say that to me? The pressure was too much for me to handle. I hugged Michael tight as the tears began to flow. Never in my life had i cried as much as i cried then. I cried and cried as I told him about my past. How my mom got divorced after I was born and married Richard ( my father). Who already had a daughter. I told him everything! How i'd just remembered a few days ago that my father and scarlett had gone to visit my grandmother the day i'd come home to find my mom lying in the bath tub,with her wrists cut open and blood everywhere! How i'd stayed there with her for 3 days holding her hand,without eating or sleeping.even how id come to hate the color red because everytime i see it,it reminds me of my moms dead,soaked bloody body!

If it had been 5 minutes or 5 hours i dont know but michael held me close whispering time after time small phrases like 'im right here' , 'its okay to cry' , 'let it all out' etc.

when I was finally done crying,I looked up to see Michael looking down at me with the warmest expression. That was when it happened. He tilted my chin up and as my vision captured him,his lips captured mine.

His hands moved from around me and came up to cup my face. The fireworks,the melting of my legs all came at once. His lips weren t demanding just soft and slow,telling me that there was no need to rush we had all the time in the world.

it had been less then 5 seconds when I began to realise that his lips were like drugs to me and that I was getting addicted to them. Fast!

My lips moved in unison with his. Though I wasn t experienced in this department at all I didn t need to worry. Michaels lips guided me with such expertise that all I needed to do was follow.his hands wrapped around me tightly supporting my body since my legs refused to respond.

His lips pried open mine easily while his tongue lightly brushed against mine,causing me to shiver slightly.

When he pulled back it felt like I had just lost something. Yeah that s how good it felt to kiss him! That kiss was amazing.

"sure was" said Michael,making me blush when I realised that I had just said that out loud.

"i know ive already said this,but i like you alot eve and i want to know how you feel about this"

was he crazy?didnt he already know how i felt about him? because i couldnt think of words, i stood on my toes and kissed him. he tasted even better then he smelled. Oh God! I was in heaven. My first kiss and that too from a guy i now trusted more then anyone else at the moment.

"so is that an 'i like you too?' " he asked with a grin


"lets go home i want to discuss a few things" he said while tucking me under his arm.

After giving me peck on the cheek,he guided me towards his black BMW and we headed home!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 10, 2009 ⏰

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