Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

My alarm clock screeched in my ears with a loud ringing sound. I practically jumped out of bed and slammed the snooze button down to halt the horrible noise. I tripped over my blankets and stumbled against the wall, still half asleep. Ugh. Time to start getting ready for the horrible prison they call school.

I always hated Friday mornings. They were the worst. It seemed like I knew it was almost Saturday, but I still had to get up for just one more day and couldn't just sleep in and pretend it was Saturday. Oh well, I thought. After today my pain would be over since today was the last day of school. I'd be a senior next year and could happily have no first period.

"Jake, time to get up for school, it's the last day," I said as cheerfully as I could at six in the morning, which wasn't very cheerful. I knocked on my little brother's door and waited for a minute. There was no reply. I opened the door and turned on the light, only to find his bed empty. "Jake?" I said, feeling a stab of worry before realizing this was probably one of his tricks.

Jake was the typical 7-year-old little brother. He thought he knew everything, played tricks on me all the time, and loved mud, bugs, and all other sorts of creepy crawly things. He was also a pain in the butt sometimes. But I still loved him, since I had practically raised him since he was three.

My parents ignored me and Jake completely. They almost didn't even live at our house. They were too busy either with work, parties, drinking, or other things that should not be mentioned to 7-year-olds. They never came home for anything, couldn't care less about our schooling-it's a wonder I wasn't screwed up in the head- and the only thing they ever did was supply us with enough money to survive, no more. I could barely afford food and water for us since most of the money they gave us went for the house.

The house we lived in was falling apart. It had broken pipes, leaks when it rained, and rotting wood floors. If it was less beat up, it could have been nice. Not very big, but decent size for my brother and I. But no, it was a piece of crap.

A very expensive piece of crap.

So, with my parents gone all the time, I was the one to take care of Jake. I'd take him to and from school, help him with his homework, cook his meals, and put him to bed. It was like a 24/7 babysitting job, with no pay. Thankfully, I had Dave. If it weren't for Dave, we'd be living on the streets. But still, I loved my little brother. He was the sweetest little boy you could ever meet. I'd do anything for him.

"Jake, where are you?" I entered his room and started searching for the blonde-haired boy. I checked under the bed, in the closet, through the drawers, and even under his blankets. He was nowhere to be found.

"Jake, you need to come out, time to get ready for school," I said a little more sternly. I waited for a reply or a noise of some sort.


"Okay, I'll just go and eat your chocolate pancakes all by myself, and you can't have any." I said in a conceited tone as I walked out the door of his room, expecting him to come running. I waited a minute outside his door, but the only thing that came from it was silence. I was really starting to worry now. Jake would've come out by now if he was hiding.

I decided he was just being stubborn, and would come out if I left, so I did. I headed downstairs and started eating a bowl of cereal. I was happily munching on some Cheerios when the doorbell rang, scaring me half to death and making me jump about ten feet in the air. My Cheerios and milk spilt all over the table and floor and my pajamas.

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