Chapter 34

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Okay, so, it turns out ending a book is a LOT harder that starting it. This chapter was really hard to write, especially the ending. But yes, this book is finally coming to an end. This is the last chapter, but I'm going to write an epilogue too....soooo, yeah. I hope you liked this book as much as I liked writing it!!  THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!! :)

Also, I made a trailer for this story (I was bored) and its on the side :) :) --------->

Also also, everyone needs to read this short story--  -- its the best story EVER!!!! EVER EVER EVER!!!

Anyways....on with the story....

Chapter 34:

My footsteps were like a time bomb. Ticking, ticking, ticking. Ready to go off at any moment, flirting with the edges of time, but unable to stop.

I didn't know how long the alley was, but I didn't go in farther than around ten feet. I was as silent as a cat hunting its prey, but nowhere near as ready to pounce for the kill.

I waited, and the minutes passed like a breeze, barely drifting over me before they were gone, lost in the darkness.

Then, in one splitting moment, I gathered my courage and spoke out into the nothingness. "I know you're in here."

Half a second later, a voice whispered directly in front of me, "Erica?" A hand grabbed my arm.

"Ann?" I replied, trying to squint through the darkness to see her face. Dave's mom! "You're okay!" I breathed, smiling.

"Erica!" She threw her arms around me, her body shaking with sobs. "Where are we?"

"Somewhere we shouldn't be." I replied, my tone somewhere between relieved and urgent. "Where's George?"

"I'm here, too," Dave's dad's voice said from beside me. "Where's Dave?"

"Safe." I replied. "We need to get out of here. Now. Come on." I said, then started towards the opening of the alley. They followed obediently, and after what seemed like forever we finally stepped onto the street. It was a bit lighter there, and I could actually see their faces. "Listen. Dave's sitting in a red car down that way." I whispered, pointing. "Go sit with him, you should be safe there. I have something I need to take care of."

"Erica!" Dave's mom grabbed my hand frantically. "You're not going back in there, are you?"

"I have to." I replied.

"You can't! He has a gun, and he plans to kill you." She said.

"Good." I replied, unflinching. "Because I plan to kill him." I told her, then turned and stepped into the dark alley again.

This time I dared to go farther into the darkness. I stepped forward fearlessly, because nothing was standing in my way now. Nobody was being held hostage, no one's life was on the line but mine. If he killed me, I'd know the others were safe.

"Come on out! I'm here!" I called out, finally coming to a stop. I stepped in a circle, still holding the gun in my right hand. "What do you want?!"

"I don't want anything. I have everything I want." The dark, sinister voice seemed to come from all directions, echoing through the alley.

My nerves tensed, and I froze, letting out a long breath. The voice wasn't my father's, but it was the same voice that had spoken like that the first time I'd been here, in this same position.

I whipped around, looking in all directions even though I couldn't see anything anyways.

"Where's my father?" I demanded.

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