Bad Neighbors

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I walked up to pete and jumped on him kissing him. After a while he let me go and me and my sister walked into the house while pete and the other guys sat on the couch whitch was then lifted by the freshmans.


I saw some old couple with a baby walking up the porch and talking to teddy and pete.
Me and the others walked outside to join them. They were the neighbors and had a cute little baby named Stella with them. she was a little princess.

The old dude said something about neighborhood and that they don't keep of the grass and gave a joint to Teddy. Which was cool. Then they said something about keeping the music down and not being to loud. As if. I Mean we are in college and we party hard.

Then they said bye and we all said bye to Stella. She was so cute.


Later that day the boys had they Delta Psi meeting while we girls got ready for the first party in the house.


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The party was epic and i made out with pete quite a lot but the night was still young so we waited for sex until later.

Pete and I stud behind the door while teddy opend and greeted them .
" hey, Mac, Kelly. What's up?"

" We hate to be these guys but do you mind just, like, kind of,.."

Kelly cut him of " just keep it down"

" just a little bit. a little bit."

"the Music" Teddy asked

" Yeah, just a tiny bit " they said

pete and I rolled our eyes . old people.

" first off, my bad...." teddy said " YO, Guys! music check! We have neighbors for christ's shake" yelled teddy

" thank you" said kelly

" that's a big bong! is that a two story bong? " mac asked

Teddy turned him down" i really appreciate you guys coming by"

" out of control .... Awesome man. well, thank you so much. thats all we wanted " mac said

"Cool see you guys around " teddy replied

"ok thanks man. cool. dope." then they left

Teddy turned to us " i think we should invite the old people in"

" they are old and lame " i started
" I mean, yeah, I like their baby, but this is no place for a baby. " pete finished

"Yeah, i know. but they're our neighbors. They can make our lives a living hell. We need them on our side. "

"Teddy is right. If we are cool with them now, they'll be cool with us" i said

We opened the door and invited them in. After some conversations about how they can't because they have a baby and so on they decided to come in and party with us.

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