fragile minds

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Dave pov:

Six months ago i graduated high school then packed my bags and ran. I stayed with john for 2 months while i got a job then moved into my own apartment. I still couldn't shake my anxiety even though bro was miles away. It still felt like he could jump out at me from behind any corner...
I got back from work and hesitantly walked to his front door. I very quietly opened it, bracing himself. Cautiosly i closed the door, making sure it made no noise, walked forward with silent footsteps, exactly thirteen steps to my room, four to my bed. I sighed in relief, that part of my day over, then layed down. I wanted to do some cleaning but, i didnt feel up to it... I got nothing done yesterday either, some weeks are worse than others. I desperately wanted to drown myself in music, the sounds filling me. Providing something other than this unrelenting emptyness. But it was Tuesday, i couldnt touch my headphones on tuesdays. I sat in the dark looking at the ceiling. I embraced the void, nothing but loneliness keeping me company. Id gotten used to this by now. Hours later i couldn't stand it and reached for my head phones. The second i touched them my hand burned and my chest felt like it was being crushed, the walls crumbling and shadows screaming that this was wrong. I quickly flung them across the room and curled up. It had been a few days, but i didn't feel like showering. So i just tried to fall asleep.

A/N: finally, a non crack fiction. Karkats introduced next chapter, bet you cant wait!

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