Ariel. Song Of The Sea.

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I was raised, youngest of seven. So, I had the least privileges. Not that that stopped me. I explored most of the Atlantic sea by the time I was 13. Daddy hardly ever noticed when I was gone so he never asked where I was. It was pretty fun to explore and I've found some pretty neat things. They were left over from the humans.

Humans are pretty cool, but Daddy says we can't go near them. He says they're dangerous. That was probably the only rule I followed. Until today. It was my 16th birthday and I wanted to see a human, face to face. Daddy didn't know about this, of course. I had my best pals with me, Flounder and Sebastian.

Naturally, Sebastian thought this was crazy, and Flounder was terrified. But I was thrilled. I had heard so many stories from some of the older merpeople about how humans thought we were evil. How could we be evil? They're the ones who kill our fish.

The only bad part about living in the Atlantic is that Daddy, being the king of the ocean, made music against the law. It was really stupid since all merpeople could sing really well. Even the fish could play music. The law was made right after my mother died. None of my sisters knew why though.

When I was exploring, I would sing to myself. Never loud enough for someone over ten feet away to hear. If I was caught singing, they would take my voice away.

I made it to the surface and popped my head out of the water, taking in a breath of fresh air. It wasnt everyday us merfolk got to breath in air. I looked around and saw a large floating thing in the water. That's what the humans use! I don't remember what they're called. Ships, maybe?

I quickly swam over to it as Flounder and Sebastian followed. They weren't going anywhere and I caught a glimpse of one of the men on it. My, was he handsome. His jaw was chiseled to perfection, his hair blacker than the deepest parts of the ocean, his eyes bluer than the sky on a warm summer day. He was perfect. I didn't realize that I had started singing, nothing in particular, just hums and "la's," until he looked at me, dead in the eye. It startled me at first, but I quickly became captivated in his gaze, and I couldn't stop myself from singing.

He broke from our stare, only go to the large circle with spikes. I'm guessing that the thingamabob is what moves the ship. He started moving it in my direction. Naturally, I got scared and started to swim away, the same direction they were headed. I realized they they weren't stopping so I turned left. This was a mistake; there was nothing but rocks ahead of me. Looking back, they were headed straight for it. Oh no. What have I done? I still couldn't stop singing. I did the only thing I could think of; swim straight down. Flounder and Sebastian were still trailing behind me. I didn't dare look up.


I stopped dead in my trail, afraid for what I would see. Slowly, I turned around. I saw orange and red surrounding the ship as some of the pieces sunk into the water. What have I done?

I swam home, to tell Daddy what happened. I was going to get in so much trouble but I had to tell someone. "Daddy! Daddy!" I yell as I rush into his throne room.

"What is it, my princess?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"Come quick! I've done something horrible! I'm so sorry!" I cry.

Reluctantly, he follows. I took him to the wreck and told him what I've done.

"Ariel," Daddy started, "we aren't merpeople."

"W-what...? Of course we are," I say, he must be joking, right?

"We live alongside the merpeople in peace, but we, our family, are not merpeople," he explains.

"Well... what are we then...?" I ask.


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