Reason Five

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The rude encounter made Freya feel slightly unbalanced. It was though the rude comments hurt more from Josh than any other person she had come into contact with in the mere 20 years of living.

The previous day was a certain battle Freya overcame with a smile. She knew Josh was a dick, and she had the perfect plan. Her night had consisted of a pinch sleep, sprinkle of worrying and a dash of revenge plotting.

It was her job to get Josh to apologise to Harry and Freya whether Josh wanted to or not.

Freya had learned, from Tobi, that Josh was a so-called 'ladies man' a new girl every week. Clearly someone who needed to be dealt with.

"Good morrow, Tobias!" Freya called as she walked into the open kitchen and living area.

"Morning, my dear sweetheart." Tobi mocked her jolly tone, which resulted in a glare from Freya.

Harry hadn't yet arrived at Tobi's flat, which gave Freya a little time to create the best breakfast both boys had ever had.

With help from Tobi, Freya made pancakes, bacon sandwiches with eggs and sausage along with orange and pomegranate juice to compliment the hearty meal.

"Who knew you could cook?!" Tobi yelled in excitement, gazing at the display of food. A smile grew on to Freya's face, her levels of self-esteem and pride had risen.

"Well, I wanted to say thank you. For everything you have done in the past twenty-four hours. You're an amazingly, humble human who I owe breakfast to!" Freya replied, leading Tobi towards his seat at the head of the table.

"There's enough to feed the whole building. Would it be okay if I invited the other boys to join us?" Tobi asked, Freya nodded. She did want to apologise for being a bitch to them yesterday.

            It was a further twenty minutes before all of the boys had arrived, each one apologised for their behaviour yesterday, along with Freya. The only one who was reluctant, was Joshua.

What a surprise.

Josh had a glum expression on his face throughout the entire meal. Like he was going to be poisoned by the food Freya had prepared.

"Ungrateful piece of shit." Freya mumbled in Josh's direction as she was cleaning the table. This comment caused Josh to slam his fist down on to the side.

"Say that again." Josh demanded.

Freya smirked, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about, darling."

Everyone in the room could tell that Freya was being sarcastic, to hold back everything she had wanted to say since day one took a lot of will power.

"Josh, leave it." Both Simon and Vikk said in a stern, yet quiet and confident voice.

"Why should I leave it when she's clearly out to get me!?" Josh exclaimed loudly, standing up from his seat.

"Look, mate. She cooked you a meal, you didn't have to come but you did! Don't blame your problems on her." Harry yelled with as much anger as Josh.

"This is coming from the boy who wished her dead not a month ago." Josh spat back his response whilst walking towards the door. Freya chose to ignore this comment, though it burned a hole through her.

"I see where your loyalty lies, and it's certainly not with me." Josh added with venom before walking out of the flat, slamming the door behind him.

"That was not meant to happen..." Freya repeated as she walked up and down the kitchen, around the island and towards the door repetitively.

Freya kept doing this until lunch, when she had finally decided to sit down and relax. Relaxing was difficult for someone when they know they've destroyed a friendship between seven people.

Simon had left to find Josh, JJ went to Seanas and Ethan went to Tesco's for some milk. The remaining three stayed with Freya, trying to calm her down further with weird trust exercises they had found on the Internet.

"Remind me again, please. I still don't fully understand why we're doing this." Freya asked the boys, trying to get an actual, structured answer from them.

"Josh has clearly effected her more than I had thought." Vikk whispered to Tobi, who nodded in agreement.

"Freya, darling! Am I not allowed to do couples yoga with my best friend?" Tobi asked with a hurt expression on his face. Laughs echoed from everyone.

"No, Tobias... We're not." Freya replied with a pout. A long hug was exchanged from the two, and a few words of wisdom from the older man helped Freya a lot.

"I may be a month older than you, Freya... But my words of wisdom help everyone. No matter what today has been, you'll have better and you'll have worse. Take today on the chin and rise up. Rise up into the laughing, lovely girl I know you can be."

Josh was reason Ninety-Five as to why Freya hated the majority Harry's friends.

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