Chapter }2{

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"Alright, I think it's time for you to get back to your classes." Dumbledore dismissed the three kids.

Arthur literary jumped out of his seat, ran down the stairs, and didn't stop spiriting until he was back at the spot he met the boy. Obviously he wasn't there anymore. Still, Arthur looked around a bit before groaning.

"How am I even supposed to bloody find him again?" He muttered to himself. What even was that kid's name? Al something? Albert? Alfred? Yes that was it, Alfred Jones! He was sure of it.

Arthur was suddenly pushed forward.

"Look who we finally found."

Arthur stumbled, then turned to face the speaker. It was Malfoy, and his friends Crab and Goyle.

"Do you know how long we've been looking for you?" Draco crossed his arms, not letting Arthur speak. "We need you for this certain kid."

Draco turned and headed away, Crab and Goyle's glare reminding Arthur to get moving. He followed him through the halls, thinking nothing of the poor kid they'd get him to use his magic on. He was more focused on how he was going to track down someone he had only seen once. Or if Vlad and Lucas were right, only remembered seeing once. And in a rage too, so he hadn't exactly focused on how the other looked. He thought hard. Alfred had glasses. He knew this, because the thing he remembered best was how his blue eyes caught the light. At the time he didn't care, but that didn't mean he didn't notice it. The boy had a cowlick. Hard to forget such an obvious feature.

"Him." Draco stopped, pointing to the poor soon to be victim.

Arthur turned to look, and froze. Talking to three other kids a year above him, was Alfred. Malfoy was going to make him attack Alfred. The three kids waved bye to Alfred and left.

"Now, while he's alone." Malfoy kicked him square in the back, forcing him several steps forward.

Arthur inched forwards, hand slowly moving towards his wand.

Alfred suddenly turned around and saw Arthur standing there scared out of his wits.

"Arthur!" He gave him the biggest grin ever seen, almost running to him. If he hadn't seen Draco and his crew staring holes into the other's back, Arthur could of sworn he was going to crush him in another bear hug. "Did you come looking for me?!" He was literally bouncing.

Arthur nodded, feeling relived when he heard Draco and his pals leave them. "I-I talked to some people I know, and they convinced me you may not have been trying to pull on prank on me. So... I decided to give you a chance." He held his breath, expecting him to start laughing at him, and the kids from earlier to come around the corner, pointing at him.

But that didn't happen. Instead, Alfred's eyes shined with indescribable happiness as he finally developed him in another hug. He pulled back slightly after a few seconds, to give Arthur a big toothy grin. "You're going to have to introduce me to those people! I'm going to have to give them the biggest thanks in the world!"

Arthur figured out right then and there they had been pretty close.

"Now," Alfred let go of him. "We have three years of catching up to do."

"Actually," Arthur tapped the side of his head. "It's four."

Alfred's smile drooped just the tinniest bit, barely noticeable. "I think I should slowly remind you, a lot kind of happened that year."

Arthur's spirits from their 'reunion' fell. What could of possibly happened. He heard something about petrified people, but nothing else. No one ever said Alfred's name, and he always thought he had been one of the petrified people, and that's how he lost his memory.

Alfred was giving him a hopeful look, and he sighed. He was all he had on his lost year, little by little was better than never. "Fine."

Alfred smiled again, before snatching Arthur's wrist and dragging him down the hall. "Alright!"


it's short, it's short, it's really really short. (Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go.)

But hey it's an update! And now to read your comments about wanting chapter 3! :D

cause I think this may be a short story, so love it while you can. :/

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