Chapter 4 Part 2

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I basically drop the casserole when I see her...HER! Why is she here how do they know each other, just why does my mom know her. Why does it have to be these twins just these twins the whole town is full of twins why does it have to be these twins.
(Jayden's POV)
HOLY CORN ON THE COB! He is the supposed to be friend! As I just stand there staring and smiling and nodding like an idiot. I should have yelled what I was thinking. While Amy just passes out, she's known for that when she gets too worried, surprised, or even excited she passes out and that's why we can throw any surprises for her. I then start glaring at him and of course my mother elbows me and glares at me.
So um for the rest of chapter 4 is gonna be like this.

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