Chapter 21: Movie Marathon

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Hanna: The next day we had nothing to do. I walked in to the boys room at almost noon, only to find Niall and Harry fast asleep and Liam playing on his computer. The other two I could hear terrorizing the village downstairs. Liam looked up from his computer. He smiled. "Hey," I whispered. He put a finger to his lips before gesturing with one finger for me to come closer. I came and he scooted over, patting the small ammount of space left over on the bed.

"Not a lot of space," he whispered. I kissed him softly on the lips.

"I'm sure we can make it work," I whispered. Liam smiled. I looked at his computer screen. It was a paused movie. "What 'cha watchin'?" I asked.

"Click," Liam whispered back. I nodded. Liam handed me an earbud and hit play. I watched as Adam Sandler screwed up his life. I watched Liam as he watched, knowing the movie well. I almost wanted to laugh. He mouthed his favorite lines, laughed at the funny parts before the punch line. He looked over at me.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said, kissing him, "All I have to say is next we're watching something more my style."

"Okay," Liam whispered, kissing me on my forehead. 


Louis:     It was long past two PM and Liam was no where to be seen. I was scowering the house, looking everywhere. "Hey? Has anyone seen Liam?" I asked the guys in the game room. 

"Nope," one of the guys said, not taking his eyes off the screen. 

"Okay," I said. I decided to check for Hanna because, lets face it, those two were in sepratable. 

"Cher?" I asked, popping my head in the girls room. Woah. This room was organized! 

"Yeah?" Cher asked, pulling off her headphones. 

"You seen Hanna or Liam? I mean, they're probably together so...." I said. 

"No. Hanna left the room at arround noon-ish. I think she said she was going to go see what Liam was up to." 

"Okay," I said. I went down the hall to see if maybe he was still in bed. Sure enough I saw Liam, sitting with his head on Hanna's laughing at something on the computer screen. They were totally oblivious to the rest of the world. I smiled, closing the door. They didn't need to be desturbed. 


Hanna:    It was almost 10 when I looked at the clock. We had been watching movies all day. We were almost through with the last Toy Story. I looked at Liam. 

"You realize its almost ten right?" I asked. 

"No," Liam said. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, "But I realize I'm sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the world right now." 

"Wow," I said, "How long did you work on that?" 

"A pretty long time," Liam admitted. I laughed. I kissed him. 

"Thanks for letting me lay in bed with you all day," I said to him. 

"Anytime," Liam said. And I knew he meant it. 

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