Chapter 2

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Both of you had made it back to the Sunny safely. You had ventured into the kitchen to watch Sanji cook. You had a peach in your hand, munching off the soft fruit with your cheek in your other hand. It was odd being around Sanji alone. You noticed, usually you never where. Someone else was always there, but it was just the two of you on the ship. Realization dawned on you, and you looked him up and down from behind, his tall, lean body making your toes curl as you realized the thoughts rushing through your head, remembering the earlier conversation you'd had with Nami and Robin.

You weren't paying attention, really. And, before you knew it, you'd attempted to bite straight into the pit of the peach, causing your gums to scream in pain, "Ahhn..!", your hand went to your mouth, and the comfortable silence between the cook and yourself had been broken, Sanji snapping his head back to look at you.

"[Name]?! My sweet little [Name], are you okay?", Sanji sat his knife down flat on the cutting board, rushing to your aide. He noticed the hand on your mouth, and figured you had hurt yourself. "Let me see.." He asked kindly, and your hand floated off your mouth, pink face now on nearly full-blast.

Sanji studied you. More closely than just to address your wounds. "I-I bit into the pit.. Ehhehh..", You looked to the side, smiling embarrassedly.

The cook had his hand hovering over your cheek, a sneaky grin growing on his face, "I can kiss it and make it better, [Name]-chwan!", He offered with a slightly flirty tone, before errupting in perverted giggles.

"--I.. I would like that..", your soft, shy voice cut through his laughter. As soon as those words hit his ears, his giggling ceased, looking down at you in slight shock. He was used to being turned down by girls, it was just how he was, though. To be flirty and charming. It made him feel good about himself. And being hit by Nami, or ignored by Robin was usually the responses he got.

Sanji gained his composure, and his eyes softened, "Ah..", He noted, his palm now closing around your face, his thumb began stroking the apples of your cheeks. "I didn't know you wanted a kiss from me, [Name]," He smiled gently, "Darling, you should have told me" He said huskily, making your bones feel like gelliton.

You could see the sunset-light passing through you both from the window at the sink, and your shadows connected as Sanji pulled you in for a chaste kiss.

Your heart was beating a million miles a minute, your breath hitching at the chill that went through your body. In that moment, the blonde took your parted lips as opportunity, running his tongue along your lip, barely gliding across your own tongue, before he retracted back, pulling back by less than a centimeter before placing a parting kiss, whispering, "Relax", making you sink into his lips..

"[NAME]-CHAN! We're HOME!", Luffy suddenly slammed the door open, and in the same instance, the two of you jerked away, and you darted out of your seat, running to your quarters.

You slammed your back on the door as you got to your room, hand placed over your racing heart with heaving breaths. You and Sanji just kissed. Sanji kissed you. Sanji wanted to kiss you. Sanji. Sanji. Sanji. You sank to the floor, closing your eyes, and a smile settled on your face. You simply giggled when you could hear, "Sanji! Did you scare [Name]? She ran out of the room awful quick." You shook your head. This crew, you thought.

(A/N: there's more chapters to come!)

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