Are you stupid?

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Minato's pov

" Naruto!! What are you doing in ANBU!?! Your to young! You shouldn't even be a ninja yet!"

Why is he a ninja?
Why didn't I notice?
How did not notice the irony of his code name!?
W-what kind of father am I?.......

" ah how the mighty have fallen. If you must know father, " I heard him spat out. " I'm what you would call a prodigy. I know about the nine tails, greats friends matter of fact. I graduated awhile ago, you should know saying you where there. You gave me my headband if I remember correctly.

" as for the ANBU, I quickly rose in my rank. I've mastered and perfected your jutsus. Honestly how did you not see your flaws? I'm known for more then being kitsune, ya know. They also call me the red flash. suitably for his son, right?"

He's to young
He's..... God what have I done!

" oh who am I kidding I don't have a father or a mother! I have the hag, Pervy-sage, and my sensei's. But a father and a mother? No I've never had that and those two probably don't even know I'm there brother. "

" Naruto," Jiraiya says.... W-when did Jiraiya met Naruto! " I'm not telling you to call them family," what!! " but you have to show respect.... Sadly.... He's still the hokage and this is still his family.  I don't think Kurama would want you to become a rouge ninja. Remember your goal, brat."

" K-Kurama!," Kushina... Why is she freaking out? " how do you know his name! How do you-"
" you stupid women shut up! " a voice screamed followed by a puff of smoke.  When the smoke cleared a small fox with nine tails sat on naruto's shoulder. " do you really think I would let my son die by the hands of the villagers, Kushina!? You should be disappointed in yourself!

" Leaving my kit for dead in his own village! Consider yourselves lucky that I haven't killed you all! You better be thanking him and his sensei's! Hell even the Uchiha brats hate you! And one of them is only five!!"

"  W-why you! I'm a perfect mother-" again cut off by louder laughter from are guest. " perfect mother?!," tsunada managed out." God if your a perfect mother then I'm the best gambler in the world!" " and I'm not a pervert."

" that's wishful thinking you two, and Kushina your anything but a perfect mother. My room was in the fucking attic before I moved out! Have you seen that place? Nails sticking out of the walls, nothing to keep it warm, broken glass on the floors. Hell I could've killed myself up there and it's to much of a mess for anyone to notice!"

" Naruto that's no way to speak up your mother!" How long has he suffered... What has the villagers done to him.

" oh I have a mother? Kurama you didn't tell me you had a mate, who is it? Ooh let me guess it's one tails isn't it!" " damnit kit." " anyway what mother last time I check I was an orphaned, till the council decided that they needed a weapon. "

" what! I'm the hokage I didn't agree to this! I never told the council we needed a weapon, you must be mistaken!"

" Are you calling me a liar? Sir you signed the paper. Why do you think I'm like this? " pulling out a document m-my son, if I have the right to call him that, continued. " see? Your name and the hokage's Stamp is on it. "

No no no no no no!
What have I done? Why didn't I notice this when I signed it?

" Minato! How could you do this to my baby! " guilt... All this guilt.. " Kushina honey I swear I don't remember signing this! I would never sign something that would make him a weapon! "

" that what do you call that Minato? You sign it when my kit was one and a half! He's trained more in this three years then you have in your entire life! Hell he has beaten this two sages with one hand tied!" " uh I didn't have my-" " in pretty sure he could beat your sorry ass! "

" Naruto, I'm so sorry. Please son forgive us?"

" Are you stupid?"

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