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Rinse, wash, repeat. Those simple words have defined my so called life more than ever these past few years. I work, come home, eat, shower, and sleep...I then procede to repeat this process for the rest of the week. I'm far too familiar with this cycle of similar occurrences, and living this life of uncertainty makes me ask is this what i was really born to do? Well...what do you think? We all have this desire to do many things...but life has its ways of stopping you dead in your tracks no matter how smooth you think you were going.

I constantly enter a state in which everything blurs out of focus except for the center of whatever object I'm looking at. I ponder of everything and nothing at the same time, I question reality and my own existence, all while my brain is fluttering at a rapid rate due to my state of over thinking. Next thing I know a few hours have gone by and its dark...my head feels heavy, the combination of enlightenment and obscurity are both taking their effects on me. You may be saying that I'm Daydreaming But, I assure you its something much more in depth than a standard daydream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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