chapter 2 school day

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My mom's white minivan pulled up on the block and she asked me "should I walk you?". " no thanks ma" I planted a kiss on her forehead and I waved goodbye to Hayden. I walked to my locker and I saw Kayla waiting for me. "HI" we squeled to each other and we saw McBeth approaching us. "Hey McBeth" I shouted .

We talked for a while when suddenly the crowd went silent.
Bad ball game. Then Jaleea walked in everyone was staring at her and Justin well except us. Jaleea was heading straight toward us and Justin sneered but we could care less. We kept on talking about my sleep this weekend. Justin slammed my locker shut but I ignored him and rolled my eyes I could care less what that kid has to say. Jaleea called to us "hey losers" but we ignored her. she kept on shouting to us and trying to get us sad when I called to her "listen I don't care what you are going to say but you need a breath mint because all that garbage you have been saying is making your breath stink worse then a used baby diaper in a hit garbage" "oh yeah" Justin sneered he took my phone and held it up high but McBeth got my phone and I slapped him straight in the face. Everyone gasped and the bell rang. In your face Jaleea. I got my text books and headed of to class.

At lunch
By lunch I was starving. We got in line I got ravioli an orange blue juice salad and apple pie. McBeth got a tuna sandwich and apple pie and Kayla got a pear salad jello and pizza we sat down to have lunch. We had a good day and lucky for us our last period was study so we are going home also It was Friday and my bday so my mom was picking us up. At lunch Jaleea came to my table with her posse. But I could care less and I told my friends "hey guys I heard something it sounded like a pathetic drama queen who won leave us alone." Thats when she shouted "you are a worthless fake" " no your such a fake Barbie is jealous and everybody knows you went through four years of trying to mindcontroll everybody and yo u tried out for the cheer leading team 4 times but didn't make it and when you got popular you left me Kayla and McBeth all alone after all we did for you so goodbye I'm done with you and everything you did I to us." Everyone gasped even Jaleea who said "I don't need friends like you I was only using you losers.

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