Part 20: Disappearing Act

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After a long day of trying to  get another restraining order on Psycho James, Caileigh decides shes exhausted and just need rest. So they all went home.Leah stayed over at the twins apartment with Ethan again but Caileigh wanted to sleep in her own bed because she felt somewhat more comfortable now. Little did she know she was in for a surprise later that night. 

Caileigh called Leah before she fell asleep because Leah wanted to make sure she was 100% about staying by herself. She was fine. 

Around 3:00am Grayson woke up to the sound of a scream he was very familiar with. He ran next door in nothing but boxers. He ran to go check on Caileigh but when he went inside of her bedroom...

She was gone but her window was open with the curtains wide open. He didn't know what to do... He fell to his knees and put his face in his hands and started to bawl. Ethan and Leah soon entered and saw she was gone. Ethan looked at Leah to see a tear slowly fall down her cheek. 

Ethan: "Why would he do this?"

Gray:"Because he knows how much I care about her. He wants to ruin my life by taking one of the best things in it. Gosh I hate him."

Leah:"...Well we have to find her... Before he can take her too far."

Gray:"He probably is long gone. I knew he was a bad guy from the start... i just knew it. This whole thing is all my fault."

Leah and Ethan:" Its not you Gray. Its not your fault. At all."

Gray:" Yes it is. I should have made her spend the night at our place. Im such a bad boyfriend."

Grayson,Ethan and Leah all leave the room and try and figure out how they are going to get Caileigh back.

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