Chapter 2

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Audio: I really feel like this song represents James' and Harry's relationship. Especially from James' point of view. Oh, and a lovely picture of the Weasley children.

The days flew by since James had met with Dumbledore and taken the job as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He had yet to tell Harry, debating whether to surprise him or tell him beforehand. James woke up earlier than usual on Saturdays. He knew why. Harry's sixteen. The thought ripped through his thoughts and smiled. The little toddler zipping around on a toy broom was all grown up, and there was nothing he could do to go back and relive the fourteen years he'd missed of his sons' life. He rolled out of bed, putting his glasses on as he did so. There was a lot to get done and James knew that the house-elves would be busy today. Three were on decorations, two were on food, with the help of Molly. He walked downstairs, being careful to not wake Harry, wanting the younger potter to sleep. He proceeded to the kitchen, being greeted by a lively Molly. "Morning Molly." He said. She turned to him with a smile. "Morning James. Mind setting the table for breakfast before waking the kids?" She asked him. James nodded, moving to the cupboards to get plates down. He got them down, before waving his wand so that the table cleared itself off and the plates took the place of the mass that had just been there. He waved his wand and the forks and knife took their places along with the glasses. He proceeded back upstairs to wake up the children. He stopped first at Harry's room, opening the door. He smiled at the sight of the black-haired teen, asleep, hanging off his bed. He shook his head before walking over to Harry. He gently placed a hand on his back. "Happy Birthday Harry!" He yelled, leaning down by Harry's ear.

This caused a reaction for both Ron and Harry. Ron shot up from where he lay on the floor, holding his wand before he saw James laughing. "Bloody prankster." He grumbled flopping down on one of the chairs in Harry's room. Harry, on the other hand, had fallen out of his bed once James moved, crashing to the floor and letting out a string of curses while he fumbled around on his bedside for his glasses. James was laughing his head off, standing near the door. When Harry finally found his glasses, his eyes held a glare, directly fixed in his father. "Dad!" He snapped angrily. "What?! It was funny. And watch your language." James said defending himself before going to wake the girls up. He had more issues waking Sirius up than anything else, eventually having to dump a bucket of water on his friend just to get him to open his eyes. He finally managed to get everyone up, herding, and in Sirius' case - dragging, them down to the kitchen for breakfast. Molly smiled at Harry, giving him a big motherly hug and telling him how proud she was of him and everything. Harry smiled, thanking her and returning the hug, before sitting down at the table as a plate with breakfast appeared on in front of him. He thanked Molly, before waiting for everyone to have their food before starting to eat.

Harry merely listened to his dad talk with Mrs Weasley, not that interested in what they were talking about, but not finding anything else to talk about. He sighed, staring down at his plate, pushing his food around. "Harry? You okay mate?" He looked up hearing Ron talking to him. "Hmmm... Oh yeah....I'm fine Ron, just thinking." He said reassuring his friend. Ron nodded going back to eating. Once breakfast was over, everyone got to work, the house-elves working to help prepare for the party later. Harry was in charge of making sure guests knew where to go once they got to the manor. Harry watched as his father hung a huge banner across the front of the living room. He flipped through the book in his lap. He glanced up at the banner with a sigh. Happy Birthday, Harry! He read. "Harry, why don't you and Ron go get ready for the party," Molly said popping her head around the door frame to look in at Harry. Harry turned to face Molly after checking his watch and seeing the time. "Alright. Is Ron already upstairs?" He asked standing up, the book he had been reading tucked under his arm. "Yes dear." She called back having already started back towards the kitchen.

Harry sighed following her out of the room but turning the other way to head upstairs. He entered his room, seeing Ron shuffling through his trunk for some nicer clothes than what he was wearing. "Ron, you know you could just wear some nicer jeans and a nice shirt. You don't have to wear dress robes." Harry said throwing his book on his bed before walking over to his closet. He pulled out a pair of jeans which had recently been repaired due to the numerous holes he'd gotten in them over the past year and summer. He then pulled out a white t-shirt with a blue button-down shirt over it. He slipped into the bathroom to change, tossing what he'd been wearing before into the hamper that sat in the corner of the bathroom. He walked out after changing, running a hand through his hair. "He's making such a big fuss about this. I don't understand." Harry said flopping down on his bed with a sigh. "Who? Your Dad?" Ron asks looking up as he pulled his shirt off. "Yeah. I mean I get that he missed 14 of my birthdays but, he's become a bit excessive with spending time with me." Harry said propping himself up on his elbows. "Give him time Harry. It's your first summer with him. It'll get easier as time goes." Ron said standing up as he pulled his shirt on. "Harry! Ron!" Was heard from the landing of the stairs. "Come on mate. Let's go and join them." Ron said with a smile. Harry sighed standing up and leading the way out of his room.

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