Chapter 3- First Day pt.1

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First Day:

Icies shot up in tears. "Not again." He sobbed into his hands for minutes. That was until he screamed at the feel of tiny hands on his back. "Who's there?" Icies shouts, terrified.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Was the squeaky reply. Icies looked up to see known other then his head of house.

""P-P-Professor Flitwick?" Icies stuttered out.

"I'm sorry for just barging in. But I heard screaming as I was in the common room. I came to check on you, I didn't mean to scare you, Mr. Black." Professor Flitwick explained softly in a whisper as to not scare Icies anymore.

Icies whimpered, "N-No, I should be sorry. It was just another nightmare. I am sorry for worrying you." He tried to smile but the tears just came coming down.

Prof. Flitwick shook his head, "Don't ever be sorry. I'm here for you anytime, day or night. All you need to do is trust me, Icies. Can you do that?"

icies looked him in the eye and saw so much care and secureness, "I-I'll try."

Prof. Flitwick smiled, "That's all I ask. I'll leave you to get ready for the day. I believe the house elves put your new uniform in your closet." Icies gave a soft smile and nodded slowly. Prof. Flitwick returned the smile and left, shutting the door softly.

Icies got up and entered his bathroom. He took a cold shower quickly and left, wrapping himself in a fluffy blue towel. He opened his closet and truth be told there was his new uniform. He pulled on the white collared button up shirt and some black mid thigh puffy shorts. He tied his blue and grey tie and pulled on his knee length black socks and knee high black boots with blue laces. Finishing it up by pulling on his school robe. He left his hair down, not bothering to braid it this morning.

Icies walked out of his room, through the common room, and out of the portrait. He gave Rowena a small smile, missing the concern look she gave, and made his way to the great hall, or at least the way he remember it being in. He was happy to see he was right and walked through the giant oak doors.

"Ice! Over here!" Icies looked over to see Vinc and Greg patting the seat in between them. He walked over and sat down, noticing the other slytherins first years sitting around them. Icies grew scared seeing them all looking at him and cowered into Greg's side, hiding his face from view.

"Awwww." A female voice squealed. "Your so cute!" Icies looked up slightly and saw the female who spoke. She had short black hair and green eyes. "I'm Pansy Parkinson, pleasure to meet you Icies Black." She smiled brightly.

"Ummm...pleasure all mine...signora Parkinson." Icies shyly whispered out all while hiding in Greg's side, as Greg was petting his hair attempting to calm some of Icies fears.

"Please call my Pansy." Pansy said in a sweet voice. Icies nodded.

"Ice, please come out of hiding and eat some breakfast." Vinc begged. Wait begged? Icies looked over at him and nodded, letting go and sitting back up. He looked around till he saw a plate of strawberries and bananas. He smiled and gently scooped some on his plate.

"Is that all you eating?" Pansy looked at his plate so did the others.

Icies blushed, "I only eat fruits." Everyone nodded. As he ate the rest introduced themselves. There was Theodore Nott, the calm one, Blaise Zabini, the wild one, Draco Malfoy, the jokester, Daphne Greengrass, the beauty, Pansy, the drama queen, and of course Vince and Greg, the bodyguards of the whole group. They all took an instate liking to the shy and easily scared Icies and he became the kitten of the group. He just blushed and hide his face behind his bangs letting his ears twitch slightly.

Icies Black- A living Miracle (Rewrite in Progress!)Where stories live. Discover now