11 1 5

Ps that's their bed room...
Mavis pov
After a very long shower 😉, I got changed AGAIN and went downstairs to the living room only to hear Nathan screaming his lungs out at what he likes to call his minions. As I passed his office I saw about 5 well built guys come out with their heads down.
So I just walked in to see Nathan with a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other, GREAT it's not even 11 am and Nathan is already getting drunk. "What's wrong" I asked as I leaned on his desk in front of him. He just responded by pulling me to his lap and trying to kiss me.
I just pushed him away and repeated my question. "You really want to know" he asked "yes" I replied , "huffff fine you asked they took Max" he replied as if it was nothing. "WHAT!!!!!who, why I thought you put protection on him" I screamed.
Nathan's pov
"Calm down it was just those dumb fucks from Black veil brides" (is a gang) I responded "well what do they want?" She asked "I don't know all they said was they want to meet at 5 and I want you to bee there" I told her  
~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip~~~~~~~~~ 
It was exactly 5 when the bell rang the staff knows what's going on so they let them in I was on my third cigar by then. Those bitches think they can take my son, out of all people my son. 
         Just then my Mavis walked in looking like she had been crying no one would have noticed but I did because she had that pout on her face again she came and sat next to me as Andy walked in the leader and then then his partners came in CC, Jinx, Jake,and Ashley. All they did was stare it was really bugging me so I decided to cut to the chase "What do you want for my son?" I asked
"Pretty straight forward I see why can't we just talk enjoy our selves cause I'm defiantly liking the view" he said looking over at Mavis.
        That's when I lost it and tackled him starting to beat the shit out him when his partners got up to help they were immediately held at gun point by my minions. I just blacked out and started punching his face in until I heard Mavis scream "THATS ENOUGH" and pulled my off of him my knuckles were already bruised that's gonna hurt in the morning.              Jake stepped in and apologized seeing their position and said that they would return my son if I let them leave with their lives and of course I needed evidence first and didn't let them go until he was in Mavis and I's arms.
         Going to bed that night was defiantly depressing Mavis didn't even look at me as if it's my fault.

I'm so sorry for the terrible chapter but I've been having soooo much writers block I feel like I can't come up with anything so I am just gonna stop here before it gets worse


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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