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In the beginning, there was nothing but blackness. Then, out of nothing, came an implosion. No one in the universe knows why, not even the oldest beings in the universe. Or universes I should probably say. But, what only some people know, is that with that implosion, two universes were formed, and in the next second after that, two more grew from those two, and universes multiplied with each second passing. Each universe was the same, but slightly different in its own way, and thus the multiverse was born, and also where our story begins with a little boy from odd origins, and the destiny set for him.


"Hey guys! Deadpool here!"

"Wade, this may be a DC and Marvel spin-off crossover fan fiction, but that doesn't give you the right to just barge into my prologue."

"Yeah, but everything's better with me in it. Hehe, get it?"

*Sigh* "Yes, I get it Wade. What will it take to get you out of my prologue so I can tell my story?"

" own chapter with tons of hot sexy babes and tons of explosions!"

"Wade, I was already going to do that."

"Oh, well look at you mister smart-ass Narrator Guy. Then here, how about a nice gay love scene between me and spidey?" *wink wink*

"1) I'm the writer. and 2) Hell no."

"Fine! Keep that ship sunk why don't you......ugh, fine, I'll let you do your thing."

"Thank you."

"Fuck off."

"Anyway, sorry guys, wade's been taking the new fame from his new movie to an extreme level lately. I'm telling you, it's getting to his head. Anyways, let's get to the story shall we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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