why he quit? and how apollo became the sun god

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So the truth is that Helios actually quit. Why? Here's why. He married a mortal, Clymene in Egypt. She gave birth to seven girls and one boy, who were the children of Helios. The boy was named Phaethon, which means the shining. His mother was very overprotective and his sisters were flying around and taking care of him. So anyway he was obsessed with chariots. Later on he had trouble believing that he was a child of a god. He didn't believe that his father was Helios, even thought his mom and sisters constantly reminded him. To actually believe that his father was Helios, he had to hear it from Helios himself. So he set on a quest to go and meet his dad. And it turned out his dad was Helios! He was dissatisfied with his dad because he thought Helios didn't care about him. So Helios swore to grant any one of Phaethons wishes. He dreamt of driving the sun Chariot. His dad tried to remind him that it was the worst idea ever. But he didn't listen. So he rode the chariot the next day! His dad told him the dangers of going too high and the dangers of going too low. "Go too high and you'll burn the heavens. Go too low and you'll burn the earth." In the starting he rode in the middle. But then he decided to go a little lower so everyone can see him. But the area of Egypt where he lived. Was green. He burned all that and made it a desert, a barren desert! No more greenery there. Zeus saw what was going on and shot Phaethon with a blast of lightning, killing him instantly. Helios was so upset that he actually QUIT his job! Then Apollo became the sun god. Why maybe he was destined to. Or Helios was the flashiest god. And even Apollo was flashy. I don't know. But this mostly covers it.

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