Is This Selfish?

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I start to get nervous but I let her continue.

"You're going to have to eat larger portions than every one else. Since you are eating for two." She says.

"But-" I start to say.

"There's no buts. You're pregnant, you have to eat more." Julia says sternly. I close my mouth and nod.

"And you're not doing work around here. Especially cooking. We don't want you around the smoke. And no doing dishes or washing clothes. We don't want you hurting your back. If you really feel like you need to do something we will find a small job for you. Ok?" CeCe says. I hold in a groan. I'm going to feel so useless.

"Ok" I say. They both smile at me.

"I'm going back to Carl." I mumble before walking away. As I was walking to the fire I pass Tina and Tonya. They both give me a nasty look, but I just ignore it. I walk back to Carl and he smiles at me.

"Hey baby. What did they want to talk to you about?" He asks as I sit on his lap.

"They just wanted to tell me that I have to eat more, and I can't do work anymore." I mumble. I'm going to feel like such a brat, now that I'm not going to be helping out.

"Oh, ok." He says leaning back in his chair.

"Tired?" I ask, poking his chest and giggling.

"Mhmm" he says closing his eyes.

"Me too. So lets go take a nap." I say standing up. He groans and stands up. He takes my hand in his and we walk back into the house. We get to our room and Jett is on his bed playing with some old Legos.

"Jett can you leave, Carl and I want to take a nap." I say sitting on me and Carl's bed. He groans and gets up to walk away. He looks back at me and rolls his eyes. I just stare at him. He eventually walks away, slamming the door, which startles me. Carl walks over and lays on the bed. I lay next to him and he puts his arms around me. I tense up for some reason.

"Whats wrong babe?" Carl asks.

"Jett, Tina, and Tonya keep giving me nasty looks." I say with a sigh. He laugh a little.

"Tina and Tonya are just jealous that they can't have kids, because Matt and Jordan won't allow them too. And Jett is probably mad that he will have to share a room with a baby, that will cry and be loud at night." He says sleepily.

I suddenly feel really guilty. I forgot about Jett. He's going to have to share a room with a screaming baby. Ugh now I'm beginning to think this is a bad idea.

"Carl?" I ask. He doesn't answer. And is breathing is slow, and his eyes are closed. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I smile and close my eyes. I fall asleep and don't dream.


Authors note:

Hey wolf pups. It's 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. So I thought I would post another chapter. Oh and I wanted to thank you all sooo sooo sooo much for getting me to 43 reads. About six hours ago I only had 27 reads. When I saw I have 43 I reads I flipped out. I was so happy. So thank you so much. It means so much to me. So anyway. Don't for get to vote for this chapter, and comment :) thank you all so much <3

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