Chapter 1

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"I'm Trevor" a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes says with a huge smile on his face.

"Maddy" says a girl that looks around the same age as Trevor and I. She has brown hair and emerald eyes.

"Uh hi! I'm Brooklyn"

"Yeah we know since your kinda now our family" Trevor smirks. Maddy smacks him in the arm and glares at him sending his smirk into a full out glare.

"Uh yeah right" I mumble looking down at my feet. I look around at the T.V. Room and I realize that the guilt for moving in with them has vanished as I notice how massive the house is.

"Kids! Why don't you help Brooklyn move in!" Mrs. Winston - Dakota - mom says

"Oh no it's okay"

"No I insist" Trevor grabs all my bags and goes up the stairs.

"Mrs. Winston? What do you want me to call you now?" I ask shyly.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with, honey!" She exclaims quite enthusiastically. Maddy grabs my arm and pulls me up the stairs rambling on about how much fun we are going to have. I get pulled up to the second floor and to the door on the right.

"This is your room princess" Trevor laughs. I step in side the massive room. It's huge! Much bigger than my old room. Dakota and Peter smile at me and walk out of my room.

"So? What do you think?" Maddy asks

"It's amazing! I love it! Thank you guys so much for taking me in"

"It's okay! We are happy too! Our parents have told us so much about you and your parents so it's like we already knew each other" Trevor smiles.

I tense up at the word parents. And yes, they noticed.

"I'm so -"

"No it's fine, can I just have some time alone" I ask. They nod and leave the room closing the door behind them. Tears prick my eyes at the thought of my parents  and my family. My brothers and parents gone. It's weird to think about though, they're gone like that. I haul my suitcase onto my bed and empty it out.

An hour later, my closet is full. I look at my room noticing it needed a hint of 'home.' I walk out of my room looking through the halls afraid to make a sound.

"Maddy!" I yell.

"Yeah?" She comes running out of her room falling on her butt from the slippery floor. "Whatcha need?"

"Just trying to figure out what room you were in" I laugh.

"Oh help me up and I'll show you" she laughs extending her hands towards me. I lift her up and brings me into her room.

"Oh okay! So it's kinda like mine"

"Yeah same thing basically and Trevor's is like this too"

"Oh cool I was wondering, what do you guys have here?"

"Well dear, that's for me to know and you to find out"

"What?" I ask

"No we do not have a dance studio by the way" Trevor says from the doorway

"How did you know?"

"I saw all the medals on your bed when I was looking for you"

"Oh so wait, where do I practice"

"The beach I guess" Maddy shrugs.

"Okay" I say getting up and walking to my room.

"Where you going?" Maddy yells from her room

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