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August 27, 1756- Alberta, Canada

The forest was abnormally silent. The mid-fall chill had begun to frost the Alberta ground to the point where it looked as if it had snowed. Not a sound could be heard. No birds singing, no deer or squirrels trotting along the winding paths. No sound at all. Except for the sound of footsteps beating against the rapidly freezing ground, gaining speed. Along with the accelerating footsteps were the sounds of hooves. Wet, against the dry leaf strewn forest floor.

This was the hunt of a Hissinger.

Tse gained speed. He was the quickest Hissinger of his generation by far. Catching this one was nothing but a humorous game for him, something similar to children playing tag. But for his prey, it was life or death.

Tse gained on the creature even more. His strides, long and graceful. His lengthy black hair, now out of its original ponytail, blew wildly in the wind.

Although Tse had done this many times before, he was beginning to become overcome with fatigue. They'd been at this for hours now. This was almost the most difficult hunt Tse had ever been apart of. He was now becoming extremely impatient. Not only was he angry at his prey now, but he was also angry with himself. This had to end. Soon.

Up ahead, Tse saw a breach in the thick of the whirte pine trees. There was where he had to make his move. It was about 30 foot steps away from where they were now.

Seconds later, Tse began to countdown the steps in his head. "Three, two, one..." And with one swift leap, he was high in the air, directly above his prey. The creature turned its head to the sky, and when it saw Tse, it was completely overcome with astonishment, and fear. Tse then came down hard on the creature's head, forcing its legs to collapse from under it.

With his legs now secured tightly around it's torso, Tse slowly placed one sweat, blood, and dirt covered hand on the back of the struggling "horse's" head, and the other beneath it's chin. And in one swift jerk of his arms, Tse broke it's neck. The "horse" instantly stopped resisting, it's entire body now limp and motionless.

As he slowly clambered to his feet, Tse steadily leaned his back against the first tree he saw to catch his breath. With his arms folded across his bare chest, he looked down at his defeated enemy, and let out a long, heart-filled shout. A shout full of emotion. Anger, anguish, but most of all, relief. This was one less threat to the world. One, less threat to his friends and family. One less distinguished monster for the clan to worry about.

With his notepad now out, he analyzed his prey from head to hoove. Now with a satisfied look on his face, he got down on one knee next to it and wrote in his pad:


Region: Alberta, Canada

Type: Horse

Date killed: August 27, 1756


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