chapter one

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Fire. Flames. Orange. Red. Yellow. Black. Smoke.

That's all she could see. The spread of never-ending heat, the air replaced with horrible, thick black smoke that violated her lungs and sight. She pictured herself lying on her back against the cold concrete. She couldn't quite pinpoint where she was; maybe in a parking garage? warehouse?

She was only sure of the fire surrounding her, faint sounds of people yelling in the background. She couldn't make out who they were or what was going on. She just saw him.

Jaebum was there. He stood on the other side of the fire, his eyes piercing into her own. What was down his face? Blood? She couldn't be sure.

It was at the bat of an eyelash that she saw Calum there too, lunging himself at Jaebum. She saw the scuffle, hard punches connecting to both faces before they left her sights - Calum tackling Jaebum to the floor away from her view.

She tried to move but couldn't, a piercing pain radiating through her whole body. She didn't have a chance to check what it was before she heard it.

Calum's scream. Screaming for her.



"Hannah? Hannah, baby, snap out of it!"

Hannah was jolted back to reality, a physical tremor going through her body before she remembered where she was.

JJ's house. Herself, the Sidemen and some of the girls had just finished up a successful bank robbery - coming back here to have a drink and some fun. Her eyes wandered around the room to see at least a hundred people there, either drinking, dancing, doing drugs or making out with each other.

Eventually her eyes focused on her boyfriend, taking in his worried yet obviously stoned look on his face. She couldn't even try to calm him before he asked that same question she hated hearing 24/7.

"You had that dream again, didn't you? About the fire?"

She squeezed her eyes shut in thought of it, her brain literally rejecting any thoughts of the dream that bothered her on a daily basis. It had been six months since Calum had saved her from the Korean boys In Grimsby, running far to end up back in Peckham where Calum was originally from. Since then, she had been having the same dream that never ever changed.

A fight. Jaebum. Calum. Herself wounded on the floor. Fire.

The never-ending fire.

"I don't know why you keep allowing yourself to have that dream over and over again. Nothing is going to happen, Hannah."

"Like I have a say in whether I have this dream or not." She spat at him, feeling a tingle of guilt at the tone of her voice towards the boy who had done his best to make her comfortable. Still. Didn't excuse the fact that he could be an annoying asshole sometimes.

"Well, obviously you have this fear still inside you that Jaebum is going to come after you or some shit like that." Cal responded back to her, not letting himself be phased by her tone. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his side despite her stubbornness, kissing the top of her head as they both looked out the window onto JJ's street.

"He isn't gonna find you, baby. We covered our tracks six months ago, remember?." He said softly to her, nudging her to look back up at him. "He's not going to come after you."

"But you don't know him like-"

"Like you do. I know, you've said that to me numerous times." He sighed and shook his head. "Hannah, it's been six months. If he was going to come after you, don't you think he would have done so by now? He's obviously moved on to god knows what."

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