My Paid Boyfriend

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Chapter 1. Over-rated


 I opened up my locker and stuffed my books in, and closed it shut. I looked down the hall to see Ronny Hexington walking. His blonde hair spiked up and his smile flashing to everybody he passes. My heart skipped some beats, until I saw he had Jacey Crews in one hand. And a knife for my heart in the other.

 "Addyson." He said walking past me. I rolled my eyes. "Ronny." He laughed and kept walking. Jacey whispering something into his ear and then looking back at me. "Please tell me, you are not missing him." I jumped to the sound of Kim's voice. "Of course not." I replied. She sighed. "Well, next time, keep your mouth shut when he walks by. You'll catch flies." I laughed at this.

 "Did you know he had a girlfriend already?" She shook her head. "Who?" I looked back at where they were walking. "Jacey Crews." Kim's face when into disgust. "Seriously? Who goes from popular girl, to kinky hoe?" She said. I shrugged my shoulders. "Ronny." I said. Me and Ronny dated for seven months. He dumped me last week. He said we didn't have the spark like we used to. I agreed, just so I wouldn't look like a fool. "Hope we can be friends." He said to me, but all I heard was. "I just broke your heart, but, I hope you don't really mind."

 She patted my shoulder telling me "Everything will be alright." Sure, the love of my life has a new girl. But, hey, who cares? Oh yeah, me.

 We walked to lunch and I sat at our usual table. The sun beated down on my head, but, I really didn't care. It's September, should be cooling off soon. "Bad ass, two o'clock." Kim said. I turned my head to see Barrett Cooper walking past us. His brown hair blowing perfectly in the wind.

 "Now, I would tap that ass." Kim said narrowing her eyes and bitting her lip. I rolled my eyes. "Barrett just thinks hes all that, he really isn't. I mean, what guy wears skinny jeans? Only girls wear those, if you're a dude, you should def stick with the boot cut." I said annoyingly. "Well, skinny or not, that butt is perfect in every way." Kim had her mouth open. "Catching flies, Kim." I said sarcastically. She shut her mouth and smirked.

 "Eat your food, snob." She said to me.

 "As long as you stop having sex fantasies about Barrett, prep." I said while stuffing my face with my sand-witch. "I can't stop now, he's coming this way!" I turned my head to see Barrett walking over to our table. He sat down next to me with smile. "How's it going?" I rolled my eyes while Kim sat there with googly eyes.

 "It's great, would be even better if someone would leave me to eat." He smirked at me. "It's a shame that a cute girl like yourself, Addyson, is single." I starred at him blankly. "It's also a shame that a girl like me can't eat without being harassed my some idiot." I said. He smiled a bit bigger. "Playing hard to get, are we? I like it." I stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder. "Its not playng hard to get, its showing no interest." I walked away to leave Kim and her sex god alone. What a pig.

 I walked to the end of the court yard, maybe I'll get some peace here. "Hey, Addyson!" Or maybe not. I turned my head to see Ronny. My heart stopped completely. "Oh, um, hey." I pushed some of my hair behind my ear. He sat down next to me. "How's it going?" I smiled alittle "It's going." He laughed. "Well, that's good. See you and Barrett have something going on, eh?" What I said next surprised me more than it surprised Ronny. "Oh, Barrett? Ha, yeah. It's a funny story to tell. Maybe I'll tell you one day."

 I wanted to slap myself in face, how am I going to get myself out of this? Ronny nodded his head alittle. "Well, I'm all ears now." Oh dear God, seriously? "Oh, well, um. The night we broke up, me and you, I went out for a walk. Yeah, a walk. And me and Barrett ran into each-other. It was as if sparks flew when we met. Of course, you would know all about sparks flying, wouldn't you?" Ronny had his eyes fixed on me. "Right...well...I wish the best." He got up and started walking back to where he came from.

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