Part I - The First Spotting

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Becky Baker, pristine and confident, marched out of Degrassi high, feeling like a true adult.  Her diploma in hand, and her hat thrown off, Becky had officially graduated.  With her head high, she practically radiated with maturity.                                                                                                                                           

"HEY BECKSTER!  I'M AN ADULT NOW!" Imogen screamed, running up and down the walkway, flailing her arms in the air like a five year old.  She leaped, spun and sang the words, "I'M A FREAKING ADULT!" Her face glowing, Imogen pranced around the entrance of Degrassi, as Becky just shook her head in disappointment.

 "For an adult, you're being a little immature." Becky told her.

 "Who cares about maturity, I AM AN ADULT, I DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!" Imogen screamed, running in circles around Becky.

 "And now that you're an adult, you'll be paying your own hospital bills," Becky told Imogen, "So, don't hurt yourself."

 "I'm not going..." Imogen was cut off by falling flat on her face.

 "Are you okay?" Becky asked, helping Imogen up.

 "I'm fine, but stupid adulthood makes you seem even more of an idiot when you fall flat on your face." Imogen said, standing back up.  Imogen looked back at Degrassi and sighed, "For four entire years I walked through the doors of that school nearly every day."

 "It's kind of sad leaving, but then again, I'm super glad about it." Becky said, turning around.

 "It is Beckster." Imogen said, taking one last glance at Degrassi before she started walking away.  Imogen stared off into the distance.  She saw the same thing she always saw everyday after school, the trees, the cars, the buildings, the Fiona hiding behind a tree, the...  

 "Is that Fiona?" Becky asked pointing towards the nearest tree.

 "I think it is..." Imogen said, running towards the tree.  Fiona dashed off, faster than Imogen had ever seen her run.

 "Why would Fiona be here?" Becky asked.

 "I don't know." Imogen replied, looking off into the distance.  

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