the Barbie battle

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I was walking around the neighborhood where the school was, I saw Barbie with panty and stocking. I was a little confused so I went behind a bush to check it out. Then when I looked closer I saw panty and stocking fighting controlled football players. I was wondering why the football team was controlled then I saw Barbie turning into a phantom. I was shocked to see Barbie as a phantom..... All my life my best friend and crush was a phantom. I felt a tap on my shoulder then I turned around, I saw two cheerleaders that Barbie controls grabbed me by my neck and threw me in front of Barbie. "well, well look what we have here. It's my girlfriend that I missed so much. " Barbie started laughing while saying those words. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away from this monster that I once loved, but the two cheerleaders grabbed me by my arms and lifted my head to look at Barbie or the queen bee. Panty and stocking tried to run to me but they were surrounded by more football players and cheerleaders. "tie!!! Run!!! " I heard panty say, Barbie stared into my soul and went back into her normal form. She crouched down to my height and smiled. "I'm so happy that I get to have you all to myself, if you don't want your 'girlfriends' to die then, come with me and make a family of phantoms with me. " "but how? We're both girls. " "I can ask someone to give you a dick. " I was shocked that Barbie wants to have a family with me. I didn't want panty or stocking to get hurt, I already saw cuts and bruises on their bodies. I thought about it for a minute then looked at Barbie again, "fine, I'll make a family with you. On one condition, you stay away from panty and stocking." "okay, I'll stay away from them. Everyone fall back! " Barbie ordered everyone to fall back from panty and stocking and me. I got up and turned to panty and stocking. They were running to me but I stopped them, I told them that I didn't love them at all, they were confused and crying, but I went to their ears and told them, "I'll come back as soon as I can. I promise im still in love with you guys. " I walked back to Barbie and kissed her cheek. I gave her a fake smile that she believes, and carried her bridal style. And flew away with her in my arms. I know that panty and stocking will suffer without me there with them but I am going to come back to them. I just need a plan to escape from this monster but for now I need to keep acting that I love her.

THE END!!! or is it?

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