Chapter 2

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As they are driving in Stiles' jeep Stiles smiles at Malia. She grabs his hand softly. He looks at her confused and Malia sees his expression she takes her hand off.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have."
Malia said looking down.

"Don't be sorry, I just didn't know why you held my hand."
Stiles says.

"Because... Your nice and you actually talk to me, unlike everyone else."
Malia said sadly.

"You think I'm nice?"
Stiles says blushing.

"Of course!"
Malia says enthusiastically.

Stiles smiles at her and she smiles back. As they were driving Malia gets a sick feeling in her stomach as she saw another car come closer.

"Stiles watch out!"
Malia screamed in fear.

Stiles' eyes widen and fill with fear as he tries to turn the steering wheel in time. But he doesn't. His jeep slams into the other car. Glass breaks, Stiles instantly looks at Malia terrified for her as her head hits the dashboard and becomes unconscious.

Stiles screams.

Stiles starts to tear up as he tries to wake Malia up.

"Malia, Malia please."
Stiles says shaking her, still crying.

Things start to get blurry as he softly touches her head and blacks out.


32 minutes later

Sheriff Stilinski comes home expecting a greeting from Stiles. But realizes Stiles isn't there. He picks up his phone and calls Stiles.

It goes to voicemail

Sheriff Stilinski panics because Stiles always answers his calls. He calls again.

It goes to voicemail again.

Sheriff Stilinski panics and quickly gets into his car and tries to think of where Stiles could be. When he gets a call.

It's Melissa McCall.

"Melissa, hey do you know where Stiles is?"
Mr. Stilinski says worried.

"Yeah, um he's... In the hospital."
She answers nervously.

He stops his car.

"Is he okay?!"
He asks.

"I... I think you should come to the hospital."

"Melissa tell me what happened to him!"

"Him and a girl... Malia Tate got in a car accident and Stiles broke his left arm and Malia broke both of her legs."

"Oh my gosh. Are... Are they going to be okay?"

"I really think you should come to the hospital."

Is it that bad? He thinks there are a million things going through his head right now. But the only thing he can think about is getting to the hospital.

He enters the hospital and Scott, Liam, Hayden, Lydia, and Kira are already there. Scott with this head in his hands. Kira trying to comport Scott but crying herself. Lydia with tears in her eyes, pacing back and forth. And Liam is frozen with Hayden trying to comport him.

Mr.Stilinski walks in the waiting room slowly with a sick feeling in his stomach.

"Where is he?"
Sheriff Stilinski said trying not to cry.

"I'll show you."
Melissa says softly.

He walks into the room and sees Stiles. With bruises everywhere, and scratches and cuts from the glass on his face. Mr.Stilinski looks at his once so innocent and unhurt son with concern. All he can keep thinking is, he can't lose the last person in his family.

He can't.

"What about the girl? Malia? Is she okay?"

"She... There's something, um different about her."

"What? What's different?"

"Well she is a were coyote, or was I guess. Somehow the fear of re living the time she first turned and caused the car crash made her turn back, to human.

"Why do you think that?"
Sheriff Stilinski asked concerned.

"Because, she's not healing and she doesn't look too good."

"Well, let me see her. My son caused the crash and if she dies he will never forgive himself."

"I... I would but I can't, your not related to her in any way. I'm sorry."

The next part will be Stiles' pov so yay more stalia 😂💜 tell me what you think plz 💗 and did Malia lose her powere?¿ anyways I'll probably update tonight :)

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