Red: Chapter 1

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He gripped onto his backpack tightly as he stepped out of his car. His big hazel orbs scanned the campus. He was back at high school, also known as hell.

He sighed and began to walk towards the main entrance, ignoring the hollers from his siblings and the snickers from the other students around him. He bowed his head and kept his eyes glued to his converse, refusing to look up at anyone who might want to talk with him.

His strong hands held onto the door handles as he pushed them away from him, quickly entering inside. He sighed and looked up and around. It was his junior year and honestly, he had no idea that he would come this far.

The blonde boy lifted the old blue backpack off of his back and took out the slip that had all of his information in. It was crumbled up and wrinkly, due to the fact that it was being crushed under his heavy books.

Soon enough, he felt a strong impact in his back. The breath he had been holding in had suddenly been knocked out as he clutched over and watched his paper slip out of his shaky fingers. He heard the cruel laughter from the people behind him. He sniffled and blinked away the tears that were threatening to come out of his eyes.

Oh, how he wished that summer would come rushing back to save the day.

Over the two month break, his relatives had convinced him to join a boxing club. He was reluctant at first, but he knew that it was the only way. If he didn't do this, he would be stuck with the loser title for the rest of high school, and that was something he did not want to live with.

So he did it, he joined the boxing club. He was there fighting and punching everyday for three hours. His slightly chubby stomach had transformed into a four-pack, and his fragile arms had gotten some muscle to it. He wasn't the only two-pound overweight guy anymore. He fit in. He actually had abs.

In only two months, he has become one of the most fiercest, most strongest boxers in that entire club. He had so much energy in that club that he never knew existed inside of him. He was shocked to learn that he indeed did have a rough side to him. He wasn't full of weakness and baby-like. He was strong and capable of doing things some people could never dream of doing.

The sixteen year old blonde thought that this boxing club would get rid of all of his fears. He thought that when the bullies would strike, he would come back with an even bigger blow. But when he stepped out of his van, that feeling of confidence and determination had went down the drain.

His breathing became harder. He didn't go to that boxing club just to come back and be the same wimp he was when he first entered the club. He took that class to become a guy who would defeat his own battles.

Ross slowly stood up, turning his head to see who had caused it. His eyes came in contact with the guy who had been torturing him for the past three years, Trent McDonald. He smirked at the blonde and rolled his eyes.

He had had enough of Trent for three years. It was constant screaming, telling him that he sucked and no wonder no girls would even come near him. For three years, Trent had physically and mentally hurt Ross, and quite frankly, he was sick of it.

"Trent!" he yelled, his fiery eyes glaring at Trent. Instead of looking threated as he had hoped he would, the rude brunette let out a sarcastic chuckle and crossed his arms, his posse watching the two enemies closely.

The blonde heard the mutters of the people forming around him. The mutters that stated that Ross couldn't beat up Trent if he tried, that Trent would take him down with one push of a pinky. The old Ross would have slumped his shoulders and agreed with the crowd, but not this time. He had enough of all of the remarks from his peers, saying that he was weak and that an ant had more muscles than him.

That triggered something inside of him. He lunged forward, his hand clenched and his eyes focused on his target. His fist had come in contact with his face, sending Trent's face flying to the right. His hand immediately came to touch his nose, the red blood oozing out of his nostrils. He slowly looked up to see a burning look in Ross' eyes. He was breathing heavily, the blood from his nose on his chuckles.

Ross shoved Trent away from him and walked to class, settling the backpack. When he made sure that no one was around, he let his fists hit the air with a wide smile spread on his face. He could not believe he had just hit Trent McDonald! That was one for the books. The smile on his face urged to stay on. But it soon faded away when he remembered that his paper with all of his information was on that one piece of paper he had dropped back there. There was no way he was going to go back and face Trent again, so he sighed and leaned against the lockers, closing his eyes and hitting his head a couple of times. What on earth would he do now?

"Careful there. If you keep hitting your head against those lockers, you might just get amnesia." a girly voice remarked from a few feet away. He furrowed his eyebrows with his eyes remained closed as he heard the footsteps coming towards him.

He opened one eye to see a petite brunette with a slight smirk on her face. She was pretty, he'd give her that. She was holding her books tightly to her chest. Her cleavage was sticking out from under her shirt. Her pants were tight, and she was wearing black converse.

The blonde wanted to ask what she wanted and why she was talking to him, but only a little fake chuckle escaped his lips. He sighed and moved out of the way once she gestured that her locker was where he was hitting his head. He watched as she put some of her books in, delicately making sure that nothing was to fall out. She slammed it shut and smiled slightly, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks. "First you hit your head on my lockers and now you're staring at my every move? What's next, you try to rape me?" she let out a laugh, turning her head to face him.

He backed away his head as soon as  he noticed that their faces were only a few inches away. He cleared his throat, wanting for something - anything to come out of his mouth. It was already embarrassing for him, knowing now that she thought he was kind of weird for staring at her.

"School sucks." he remarked, stuttering and scratching the back of his head. She raises an eyebrow at him and nods her head, laughing slightly. "Yeah, it does. I wish summer would last forever. Well, class is about to start. See you around, locker head!" she waved goodbye as she turned around to walk to her class.

Ross groaned and hit his head against her locker. First he lost his paper where all of the information he needed was on, and now he had a brand new nickname. Yeah, first day of school was going great so far.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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