Sagittarius(F) and Taurus(M)

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Two opposites attract (part2)

I told you I would write another chapter hahahahahahahh I laughed way to hard even though I had no emotion on my face.

Sagittarius got up for school. She pressed her alarm clock to stop, but it wouldn't stop beeping that she broke it with her fist. Yet another one broke her tenth alarm clock in one month. (Sorry if this isn't true.)

She got dressed and did what she always does. Get dressed, brush her teeth, brush her hair, and eat breakfast. She thought she looked nice since she got inspiration from her favorite celebrity that was another Sagittarius. She was happy going to her first day at Zodiac high school.

Sagittarius said goodbye to her parents and went into her car. She was a little scared going to the school, but she went anyway. As she got out of her car she looked around to see if there was anybody she recognized even if it was useless, because she didn't know anyone.

A girl came up to her and introduced herself as Capricorn.

"Hi, I'm Capricorn and I bet you're new here because I know everyone here and I haven't seen you here before?"

"Yeah I'm new and I'm Sagittarius, but you can call me Sag if you want to." Sagittarius said with a fond smile on her pink lips.

"Okay, let me show you around!!"

"Um yeah sure I need to know the school, and I need a friend, so you can be my first." Sagittarius said with another kind smile whils Capricorn nodded.

As they were walking around the school, Sagittarius came upon a stranger. He was nice looking. He was tall, maybe six feet, green eyes (I always loved green eyes and always wanted them and since it's my story and I'm a Taurus I will include this in Taurus) brown hair, and perfectly pink plumb lips that made its way to a smirk.

"Why, hello Ms. Beautiful my name is Taurus and your name is...?"

"O-oh my n-name is Sagittarius, but uh you can um call me Sag."

"Oh my do you studder. Well that is mighty fine you look amazing to studder. You have the most perfect body I have ever seen, brown flawless hair, brown eyes that turn green eyes in the light (this is how my eyes are in real life they're brown, but turn green in bright lights) and pink lips that would be nice on mine." Taurus said with a smirk.

"Oh I don't studder, sorry I just get nervous when I met someone as hot as you..... OH GOD I DON'T MEAN THAT I MEAN DAMN, BUT I REALLY DIDNT MEAN THAT, DAMN IT YOU IDOIT SAGITTARIUS!!!!!!"

"No its fine I don't mind the nice comment." Taurus said with a fond laugh and then grab Sagittarius by the waist bringing her close to him.

Sagittarius was shocked, she didn't know how to react when this happened. She had only met this stranger by the name of taurus and he was already trying to make a baby getting that close smh. (Smh stands for shaking my head, I was lazy to write the whole thing.)

"Oh, ha um well maybe ask me on smirk glued to her face (medaphore) (sorry I'm a nerd)

"Okay, babe, how would you Sagittarius...."

"Sagittarius Archer." (I included this because a Sagittarius is the Archer.)

"Okay, Sagittarius Archer will you like to go on a date."

"No, I would not like to go on a date....."

"I would love too." Sagittarius said with a smirk and then a giggle.

"Alright I will pick you up at your house at 6:00 and here put your phone number on my phone and add the address." Sagittarius agreed and did what was told.


As the day went by Sagittarius couldn't stop thinking what the date was gonna be like. She imagined beautiful flowers everywhere and kind of lady and the tramp kind of theme.

When school was over she ran home and did all her homework as fast as possible and got ready. She was wearing the most beautiful clothes that she thought was nice for the date.
As time went by it passed 6:00 and Sagittarius started to get sad. Maybe taurus was playing her or something. Sadly, that was not what happened.

She decided to call him and see what was going on. When she gave him her phone number she screenshot his phone number and sent it to her.

It finally got answered, but by a women that sounded much older and her voice was filled with sadness.

"Oh, is this Taurus?" She said obviously knowing it's not.

"No, this is his mother who is speaking." She was really sad because her voice faded and then a few sniffing sounds.

"This is Sagittarius Archer, taurus was supposed to pick me up for a date."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but when he was picking you up he got in a horrible car accident."

"Oh, okay um sorry to disturb you."
And she hung up.

Sagittarius was very sad. She liked him, but bad things always happened. She let the hot tears roll down her face. Why did it have to happen she was dressed really nicely that it didn't make sense.

"What is the point now?" Sagittarius thought now laughing, because she realized how much life really hates her

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"What is the point now?" Sagittarius thought now laughing, because she realized how much life really hates her.

Sagittarius hated feeling this feeling in her heart. It was like having knifes in your heart.


As time went on and she finished high school she never forgot Taurus and how he must of liked her a lot. She met another Taurus, but it wasn't the same. She didn't feel the connection at first, but she grew to love him. Everyday, when it was the day Taurus died she goes and see the grave where Taurus died. She will always remember Taurus because he lives in her heart forever.

She felt complete with taurus even if it was for that short moment at that high school, but some good things always happen in high school.

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