Chapter 2: Chris baby

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" Hey sweetheart you look beautiful. As always I say." Chris said with his Chizzled features. My smile appears along with a slight blush. "Thanks Babe and you look very nice as well." I said alittle playish. Our lips connect making the click. " I ordered us two white mocas" eyeing me with his blue eye. My smile grew wider "thanks"
Chris takes my hand in to his and stares me in the eyes. " so how is jodi?" He said alittle more serious. " she's still hurting and I dont know what do. The only thing I can do is comfort her." My gaze directly on the table then back in to his ocean eyes. " I'm sorry babe I know how it feels to lose a person. Tell I said sorry."

His gaze intense. He is so sweet, I'm glad to have him in my life. Like I said before, life is super groovy.
Chris is wonderful maybe to wonderful. He wants me to move in with him already but it's only been a year. I think alittle more time is what I need. Don't get me wrong I really like him, he's so polite,charming,vibrant and his smile above all else.
But I feel that he cares to much about his self. He doesn't ask me how I feel about moving in with him or other things personal to me. I don't if I'll ever be ready to move in with him.

Selfishness and confusion fills my brain after. Apparently my face starts to express it. " Niki baby you okay?" With Worried eyes. " I'm fine sorry I was thinking about...abou...that weird guy saying he can hear fish sing." Glancing at the dirty newspaper on the floor then giggling. " Hehehehe!"

"Right that guy must be joking. I read about this morning." He said surprised. I of course had no clue about a man fish... I mean fish singing man, nevermind.
The waiter brought us our coffee and with swift movement we drank the hot sugar sweetness.

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