Chapter 14:Wild Girl

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Next morning I woke up feelin like shit I didn't remember anything that haplen the night befor then I realized Charity wasn't in her crib I ran to Vons room

"Von wake up"I said

"Wat girl"he said

"I don't kno were Charity is"I said

"Remember we dropper her off at my moms house"he said

"No I don't"I said sakin my head

"That's right you were wasted lasted night"he said

"Tell me wat I did lasted night"I said

"Come lay with me"he said patting the bed

"Ok"I said going and layin beside him

"Lasted night you were crazy wasted like u called me your baby"he said

"Omg o wow wat else"i said

"You were dancin with a girl and u kissed her but u wouldn't kiss me how u gonna kiss a girl but not me"he said

When he told me I kissed a girl my stomach dropped I have a child and I kissed a girl and I really feel irreasonable

"Wats wrong"he said

"I feel like a child cz I kissed a girl yea ik I was drunk but drunk or not u shouldn't do things like that when u have a child yea ok its something u do while your young in wild but when u have a child u can't do it any more"I said

"Well u were drunk so its not entirely your fault just bleam it on the achole girl"he said

"Haha thnxz but I still feel like shit but ill bw fine I'm gonna go get in the shower so we can go get the girls"I said

I got in the shower and brushed my teeth I put on some sweat pants with a white shirt and some white nikes and put my hair in a messy bun I looked like shit that's wat I felt like to

"You ready"he said

"Yea"I said

-His moms house-

"I feel like shit I don't want Charity to see me like this"I said as he pulled up

"Well ill go get her"he said gettin out the car

"Thanks"I said

-20 mins later-

I saw von commin out the house with the babie and I hid my face cz I didn't want Charity to see me

"Your gonna have to look at her some time"von said getting in the car

"Well that some time ain't now"I said

-At the house-

It was time for me to breast feed Charity but I didnt kno if I had achole in my stystem still so I pumped and checked it it was positive I did still have achole in my system idk wat I am gonna do if I have to feed if have to feed Charity formula I would be devastated I don't want my child drinkin that stuff then I remember I had milk in the fridge that I had all ready pumped befor I drunk achole I sat Charity up on mt bed on the pillows and sat beside her and gave it to her then von walked in

"Wassup ma how u feel" he said sitting Makayla down

"Like shit u kno I almost had to give her formula"I said

"Wats wrong with formula"he asked

"Nun I just don't want her drinkin it"I said

"You had achole still in your system"he asked

"Yea"I said

"You just gotta lean not to drink as much"he said

"I feel like a bad mom"i said

"Your not but I'm bout to go take Makayla home"he said

"Aww it'd time for my baby to go"I said picking her up

"Yup"he said

"Tell daddy u don't want to go"I told her

"Well u got to"he said taken her and walkin out

"See ya later"I said

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