Winter Cuddles

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Author's Note
It's way past winter (whoops) like I said in the description but I didn't publish anything in a while so I thought why not. I put a song lyric here hehe good luck finding it. Have a good read! If you enjoyed, please vote, comment, add, and follow!

    The blanket shifted slightly as you repositioned yourself into a more comfortable position. A cup of hot cocoa was in your hands and warmed them up quite nicely. Your tv was showing a rerun of your favorite Christmas movie and snow fluttered in the cold wind outside. Percy was inside of the blanket you were in, his arms wrapped around you as you sat in his lap. His head rested on one of your shoulders and his face had a goofy grin on it.

    You turned your head and placed a quick peck on his cheek to which he turned his head so he was facing you. His lips connected to yours and he kissed you gently. Percy loved showing his affection for you. Your lips tasted of sweet fruits and a hint of peppermint from the candy cane you had earlier. He relished your taste, to him you were irresistible. You both broke apart after a while. A light pink blush decorated both of your cheeks and you smiled at each other.

    Getting up a bit, you hugged him and ran your fingers through his hair. He hugged you back tighter and inhaled your scent, something he couldn't and never wanted to forget. "Gods, I hope I never lose you," he whispered into your ear.

    "I hope we'll stay together forever." you said.

    "Forever is a long time." Percy started.

    "But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side." you finished.

    He tackled you into a tighter bear hug and leaned down so that your back was on the couch. Snuggling himself into the crook of your neck, he felt contented. "I love you so much," Percy said while being muffled by your skin.

    You chuckled bemusedly. "I love you too, Percy."

Winter Cuddles (Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now